#garfield Logs

Nov 22 2012

#garfield Calendar

08:54 e_mohr inspects the little black
13:55 y47041424 looks and acts exceptionally drag-ass today ,, praps the qty of humans in the area today, staying home from work like they have enough money already, is the psychic pro
15:52 any47041424 http://physicsgeek.mu.nu/archives/cat%20stevie%20wonder.gif
15:52 any47041424 http://physicsgeek.mu.nu/archives/cat%20metal.gif
15:52 any47041424 http://physicsgeek.mu.nu/archives/cat%20house.gif
20:00 rue_mohr kat, cute
23:21 any47041424 i wonder if i can move a running puter if i pull only the mouse, keybd, and vga cables out of it
23:30 any47041424 hmm, seems i can
23:40 any47041424 and that fixed the taskbar not hiding, wierd