#garfield Logs

Nov 14 2012

#garfield Calendar

19:43 Tom_itx who are you watching?
19:44 skyeyemachine ?
19:44 skyeyemachine Was that directed at me?
19:44 m_itx scores a direct
19:45 yeyemachine is inflicted with confiu
19:45 yeyemachine loses a
19:45 skyeyemachine confusion*
19:46 Tom_itx sky eye machine indicates you are watching someone
19:46 skyeyemachine Ah, good point. No, no-one in particular right now. /:D
19:47 skyeyemachine Unless checking on Monaco status updates counts as covert observation or something.
19:49 skyeyemachine How about you? What are you up to?
20:55 rue_mohr iiinteresting