#garfield Logs
Nov 12 2012
#garfield Calendar
00:01 rue_mohr heh
00:01 rue_mohr ifny, tahts expensive to fix
00:02 ifny TELunus|2: depends on how many streets they hit perhaps
00:02 ifny rue_mohr: yeah, but money is no object where crack is concerned.
13:32 TELunus What's a good tool to download the entire contents of an https directory? I'm in win64 at the moment.
13:47 rue_mohr do they make wget for windows?
13:47 rue_mohr if not I dont see much reason it shouldn't cross compile
13:50 TELunus according to GNU it compiles on windows
14:00 Tom_itx umm
14:00 Tom_itx i used one once...
14:00 Tom_itx lemme think
14:01 Tom_itx webwhacker was what i was thinking of but it grabs a whole site
14:11 TELunus Hey tom is there a log of #robotics that one can look over, say to read things that were said while their client was down?
14:12 Tom_itx zlog
14:12 Tom_itx or
14:12 Tom_itx !thislog
14:12 tobbor This one: http://rueshouse.dyndns.org:82/~ircjunk/irclogs/html/%23garfield-2012-11-12.html
14:13 TELunus Thanks.
17:40 TELunus rue, I think the wget command I started is now downoading the whole internet. Oops
17:56 rue_mohr yes, yo uhave to be carefull of the command line options
17:56 rue_mohr they shoud put a --down-download-whole-internet option in
17:57 rue_mohr er --dont-
17:57 Tom_itx it's ok. it will stop when the hdd fills up
17:57 TELunus I decided to stop it first.
17:57 rue_mohr linux wouldn't let such a petty issue get in its way
17:59 TELunus Now, it dosn't seem to have been doing a very good job of converting links from absolute to relative like I told it to, is there a program for that??
17:59 rue_mohr hmm, not sure
18:59 rue_mohr !assist images
19:00 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/images