#garfield Logs

Sep 08 2012

#garfield Calendar

00:18 katsmeow-afk http://cnx.org/featureContent
00:28 katsmeow-afk from what i have seen of ads for Honey Boo Boo, that creature would fit in well with the humans here
00:41 katsmeow-afk http://en.scientificcommons.org/repository/overview#United States
19:39 katsmeow-afk what's the part called that mounts on the edge, or over holes in, a pcb, to set down over a header, like a arduino "shield" ?
19:40 Tom_itx pin header?
19:44 katsmeow-afk i thoght the "pin header" was the pins, not the female part
19:47 Tom_itx oh
19:47 Tom_itx umm cgrid maybe
19:47 Tom_itx but that's jus to wire not board
19:47 Tom_itx that's like a pc fan connector
19:47 Tom_itx c-grid is
19:47 Tom_itx or try pc104 headers
19:48 Tom_itx search for that
19:48 Tom_itx they're stackable
21:36 katsmeow-afk those are raally pricey
23:25 katsmeow-afk zzzzzzzzzzzzz