#garfield Logs

Sep 07 2012

#garfield Calendar

00:30 katsmeow-afk took me hours to find my TIP41's tonite
00:31 tsmeow-afk ponders a"yucca knot dooth
09:02 rue_house I think I was saying I'd prefer not cmos
09:02 rue_house you mentioned A
09:02 rue_house ls
10:15 -asimov.freenode.net:#garfield- [freenode-info] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help? Please check with freenode support: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp
14:10 katsmeow-afk no, you mentioned LS, but afaik, no one makes LS in the last 10 yrs
15:16 Tom_itx thunder
20:57 rue_house you mentioned ALS
20:57 rue_house was als an option?
20:58 katsmeow no
20:58 Tom_itx rue_house, what did you give for your printed parts?
21:02 Tom_itx http://www.ebay.com/itm/Printed-PLA-Rostock-Parts-/251146789101?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a7983e0ed
22:28 katsmeow for the avr controlling the psu blocks, i will have a 2 x 2.75 inch (5 x 7 mm) area, approx an 1.25" (3 cm) high, which can accomodate 3 layer of the average pcb with non-power stuff on it
22:28 katsmeow is that enough for two power spupply controlers, and a front panel interface for them?
22:30 katsmeow in each 5x7cm area, i can fit 3 pdip40 chips, oe one pdip40 and 8 smaller pdip chips
22:40 rue_house I dont understand what just happened to the last 2.5 hours
22:40 rue_house I dont have a ruler kat, I'll get back to you
22:41 katsmeow what happened?
22:52 rue_house i dont know
22:52 rue_house kat, how I do I create a beter interface with my computer?
22:53 katsmeow bepends tons on what you want the interface to transfer
23:16 katsmeow ...