#garfield Logs

Aug 31 2012

#garfield Calendar

03:05 katsmeow-afk Your Price: $12.25
03:08 katsmeow-afk Very nice selection of 50 kinds of fully compatible plastic gears. Fits shaft diameters 1.5/2/2.5/3mm. Contains selection of spindle, crown, single, double worm, pulley gears.
03:08 katsmeow-afk Your Price: $15.25
08:10 katsmeow-afk GuShH_ is really wearing out the use of street language
08:10 tsmeow-afk officially compl
11:50 rue_bed whats street language
12:08 katsmeow-afk street language : fuck shit damn, in your momma,you prick, etc
12:09 katsmeow-afk i talked myself into picking up one of the 14kw Generac 60amp 240vac generators, the guy accepted $100 for each one, going to try one, see if it works, no cost to try, returning it is free
12:18 katsmeow-afk Tom?
12:18 Tom_itx what?
12:18 Tom_itx yo mama
12:18 Tom_itx :)
12:19 katsmeow-afk those gennies are set up for NG, i don't have, what i have is LPG, can i just stick a hose up the carb to see if those engines fire?
12:19 Tom_itx i think so
12:19 katsmeow-afk if they run, and the generaor makes power, then i'll put more time into it, else, back to the scrap yard they go
12:19 Tom_itx just don't let it backfire and get the hose going
12:19 katsmeow-afk k
12:20 Tom_itx use a short piece of steel tube on the end to prevent the hose from catching
12:20 katsmeow-afk if i just change the regulator pressure till it runs smooth, is that enough work?
12:20 Tom_itx off to shop
12:20 Tom_itx i've not dealt much with NG or LP
12:20 katsmeow-afk k
12:21 katsmeow-afk i'll prolly put a fuel injector on the throttlebody eventually anyhoo
12:21 katsmeow-afk gasoline
12:21 katsmeow-afk just in case i need it
12:23 katsmeow-afk i should not have eaten lunch so fast :-/
12:45 katsmeow-afk [12:33] -NickServ- DainBramage is not registered.
12:49 rue_house found some genorators?
12:50 tsmeow-afk
12:50 katsmeow-afk 25 cents per pound
12:51 rue_house so I wonder if I should have tried to knock-break the bulb
14:54 katsmeow-afk got one 14kw (60a@240vac) genny, 100amp "automatic" transfer box, and a high ratio worm gearbox: $115
20:40 katsmeow-afk the 400lbs genny i got for $100 today, with the automatic power transfer box : http://designerthinking.com/images/generator-big/IMG_1921m.jpg
20:48 katsmeow-afk how i had Tiggr set up in Fla, the brief time i was there : http://designerthinking.com/images/puterlab/DSCF2657m.jpg
20:59 katsmeow-afk <cough>
21:41 m_itx breaks wind but blames someone
21:41 tsmeow-afk had pre-cou
21:41 Tom_itx your trailer?
21:42 Tom_itx i need something like that since i don't have the s10 now
21:42 Tom_itx what's the gen off of?
21:42 katsmeow-afk someone's house
21:43 Tom_itx my friend got one from a closed grocery store
21:43 Tom_itx 18kw iirc
21:43 katsmeow-afk if you *ever* have a chance of carrying 4x8 steel plate, measuer the trailer bed to be 4-2x8-2
21:43 Tom_itx i won't
21:45 Tom_itx my work table is about 3 x 4 iirc
21:45 Tom_itx 1/2" plate
21:45 Tom_itx i've had since i was a kid
21:45 katsmeow-afk not even 14awg for making boxes or fireplace inserts or heat shields ?
21:45 Tom_itx huh?
21:46 katsmeow-afk 14 guage steel plate is what i have made a lot of electronics projects with
21:46 katsmeow-afk it's thin, tough, strong, and fairly cheap
21:46 katsmeow-afk cuts easy with bandsaw or abrasives, weld easy with backup plates, etc
21:48 Tom_itx oh i was asleep when i read that
21:48 Tom_itx i took 14awg automatically to be wire
21:51 katsmeow-afk all but the front/back panel of variac-rack.html is 14or 16
21:51 katsmeow-afk all the case of benchpsu.html is
21:52 katsmeow-afk not clear on where it all went, but i have very little of a 4x8 sheet left
21:53 katsmeow-afk it's like lightweight 1x1 angle, i soon convert it into stuff
21:58 Tom_itx yeah i have a small pile of square tube i got for something but now forgot what
21:59 Tom_itx it'll go soon i suspect
22:02 katsmeow-afk Tiggr's table is hanging from the open-beam ceiling on them, i have other shelf brackets, a canoe carrier, a ladder thing, fence gates, temp positioning jigs for welding, etc etc