#garfield Logs

Aug 14 2012

#garfield Calendar

00:07 iamturnip good to see you are human
00:19 rue_house I'm nut so sure on that
00:20 iamturnip well.... you like my food so maybe you have a point ;)
00:32 rue_house are things going ok with hackery?
00:33 iamturnip mmmm nto so much
00:33 iamturnip no money anymore
00:33 iamturnip helping peopel with no money has it's down sides
00:34 iamturnip i don't think i will shut it down completely but may downsize and mve
00:34 iamturnip move
00:35 rue_house hmm that sucks
00:35 iamturnip maybe drop the recycling and just do repaair out of a small shop
00:35 rue_house does it look like non-profit would have held in?
00:36 iamturnip no..i'm happy being for-profit
00:36 iamturnip less headache
00:36 iamturnip people assume we are non-profit anyways with the prices we charge
00:36 rue_house right, is freegeek doing better/worse than they were?
00:37 iamturnip they are ok
00:37 iamturnip they keep having this problem of too much money in the bank
00:37 rue_house hmm
00:38 rue_house so the repair thing worked better than the recycling thing
00:38 iamturnip no
00:38 iamturnip its just i cant pull in the same amount of gear and have it torn apart for free
00:39 rue_house you would need a micro-recycling lab?
00:41 rue_house I presume its not just a dip your having a problem with, its a falloff?
00:41 iamturnip yea
00:41 rue_house market change?
00:42 rue_house what makes fg stay in the green?
00:44 rue_house dont see why it works for them and not you
00:48 iamturnip well they have free labour and more tonnage
01:06 rue_house if they had to pay labour could they operate?
01:06 iamturnip probably not
01:07 rue_house do you have the volume to hold things up if you didn't have the labour costs?
01:07 iamturnip nope
01:07 rue_house want to start a 3d printing business with me?
01:08 rue_house (I'm out of ideas on your problem)
01:09 iamturnip oh i wasnt looking for solutions or ideas
01:09 iamturnip just idle chit chat
01:09 iamturnip 3d printer business eh
01:09 rue_house I have a complex, I want to solve your problem
01:09 iamturnip well its not going to be easy on the mainland here
01:09 rue_house pending you want it solved
01:09 iamturnip these damn things are breeding
01:10 iamturnip i appreciate it rue i really do I am of the same cut
01:10 rue_house ebay, $1000 for an assembled frame
01:10 iamturnip 1k completed auction or asking
01:10 rue_house sometimes there is no answer because the question is wrong
01:10 rue_house my understanding is completed
01:11 rue_house part kits ($30 in plastic) sell for $75+shipping
01:11 rue_house people spend between $1000 and $2000 per machine
01:11 iamturnip so you offer kits?
01:12 rue_house I'm working on getting one machine up, then I want ot build a total of 4
01:12 rue_house offer kits and printing services
01:12 iamturnip is there a real demand or small market?
01:12 iamturnip and what makes your stuff different from eveyone else?
01:12 rue_house the name I thought up is UP3D pronounced upped
01:12 iamturnip no being a downer but I just like to ask the hard questions
01:13 iamturnip do you have the URL boguht yet
01:13 rue_house I wanted to do the business as a union of individuals with printers
01:13 rue_house a work distribution company
01:14 rue_house I'll think about getting serious after the first machien is working :)
01:14 rue_house the learning curve is STEEP
01:14 rue_house even for me
01:14 rue_house these pubic projects are amazing works of interdependant.... uh... stuff
01:14 rue_house its hard to make it work at all sometimes
01:15 rue_house and at the same time, its easy, just not always to do it their way
01:15 rue_house I MUST get to sleep, I was up till 3am last night and I'm pooched
01:15 iamturnip K rue take it easy
01:15 iamturnip we can talk abotu this another time
01:17 rue_bed the difference between the simple days and now is that back then, you didn't know as much
01:18 rue_bed so there was only one solution, and the fact it was mediocre wasn't a factor
01:18 iamturnip good piont
01:18 rue_bed I think about that every time I waste 4 hours trying to find a wire with a *bit* of a heavier guage
01:21 rue_bed but not solid, and not with strands that are too course, andnot bare copper, but the tinned strands...
01:22 rue_bed and a good shade of red, not deep pink
01:22 rue_bed thats straight, not all kinked up
01:22 rue_bed but that isn't so ideal it would be good for a more important project
01:23 rue_bed and not one with a connector on the end that I commonly use
01:23 rue_bed but not one with a rare connector on the end I might need one day
20:27 Tom_itx ok i figured the static ip issue
20:46 rue_shop3 you never got back to me with the contents of you /etc/network/interfaces file
20:47 rue_shop3 <rue_shop3> <rue_shop3> svn co svn://svn.savannah.nongnu.org/avr-libc/trunk
20:47 rue_shop3 <rue_shop3> <rue_shop3> ./bootstrap
20:47 rue_shop3 <rue_shop3> <rue_shop3> ./configure --build=`./config.guess` --host=avr --prefix=/usr/lib/ --program-prefix=avr-
20:47 rue_shop3 <rue_shop3> <rue_shop3> make
20:47 rue_shop3 <rue_shop3> <rue_shop3> make install
20:48 rue_shop3 -I/usr/local/avr/avr/include
20:53 Tom_itx i did
20:54 rue_shop3 I never saw it
20:54 Tom_itx it's fixed now anyway
20:55 rue_shop3 ./configure --build=`./config.guess` --host=avr --prefix=/usr/local/avr --program-prefix=avr-
22:51 rue_house must remember to replace the fan on my power supply