#garfield Logs

Jul 19 2012

#garfield Calendar

16:38 katsmeow step on homeland security , people start listening , the telco replaced the modem
16:40 katsmeow goddamnit, it won't let me http
16:44 atom1 why not?
16:45 any05767134 "we are now configuring you modem"
16:45 any05767134 carp, and it DID work
16:46 any05767134 [16:35] -NickServ- You may not ghost katsmeow.
16:46 fckng_stupid [16:35] -NickServ- katsmeow has been ghosted.
16:53 katsmeow-afk anyone here?
17:05 atom1 i went to feed
17:16 katsmeow-afk o
17:16 katsmeow-afk i am still fighting with the wireless telco too
17:23 katsmeow-afk ok, changed cellphone number, anyone here who had it before just now, you don't have it anymore
17:23 katsmeow-afk if you need it, ask
19:40 katsmeow-afk Anyhow, later on today, UPS arrived with the package you shipped me. There's damage. The crt is shattered. Knob broken on the 7D01, bent shaft too. I have replacement knobs, but i do not know about the shaft yet. There's a disturbingly small amount of packing in the box, as if someone poured the peanuts out at some point. I put up pics online at :
19:40 katsmeow-afk http://DesignerThinking.com/images/Tektronix/
19:40 katsmeow-afk the hole in the crt : IMG_1848m.jpg
19:40 katsmeow-afk crt box : IMG_1845m.jpg
19:40 katsmeow-afk crt box : IMG_1846m.jpg
19:40 katsmeow-afk crt box : IMG_1847m.jpg
19:40 katsmeow-afk phosphor removed by loose glass inside crt : IMG_1849m.jpg
19:40 katsmeow-afk this is all the peanut packing : IMG_1850m.jpg
19:40 katsmeow-afk bubblewrap cut by knobs : IMG_1852m.jpg
19:40 katsmeow-afk broken knob, bent shaft : IMG_1853m.jpg
19:41 katsmeow-afk the telco useto have their offices at the same building as the switchgear for the county, including all the switching for emergency responders, which makes it a Homeland Security site
19:42 katsmeow-afk so today, i went there to escaplate the blown modem issue
19:42 katsmeow-afk escalate
19:42 katsmeow-afk there were telco techs at my house before i could drive home, and they replaced the modem and got me right back online
19:49 katsmeow-afk guy cannot understand, append filename (IMG_1848m.jpg) to path (http://DesignerThinking.com/images/Tektronix/) to get picture
19:49 katsmeow-afk just like "lightning hit modem, it stopped working, replace it"
19:51 katsmeow-afk ...
20:31 katsmeow-afk The rightside timebase slot connector is broken and missing a part, see
20:31 katsmeow-afk http://DesignerThinking.com/images/Tektronix/IMG_1862m.jpg
20:31 katsmeow-afk and transistors on the backside were strenuously bent:
20:31 katsmeow-afk http://DesignerThinking.com/images/Tektronix/IMG_1863m.jpg
20:38 katsmeow-afk She booked a session with a "really good" tattoo artist in her home state of Georgia, and took a friend along for moral support.
20:38 katsmeow-afk Only later did the 54-year-old realise it featured the mis-spelling "Oylmpic".
20:40 katsmeow-afk searching for Oylmpic : About 234,000 results
20:40 katsmeow-afk http://www.google.com/search?q=Oylmpic&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=SZi&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&sa=X&ei=NrQIUPHiAor10gHAm7jmAw&ved=0CG4QvgUoAA&q=Oylmpic&nfpr=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=783677770c4845cf&biw=1001&bih=495
20:40 katsmeow-afk http://www.sportsgrid.com/weird-but-true/torch-bearer-lady-isnt-that-upset/
20:56 katsmeow-afk i wrote an app to seek out directory names on D:/ and save them to a txt file, so far it's written out 494,251 dir names
20:57 katsmeow-afk last written to 6hrs ago, i dunno what it's doing atm