#garfield Logs

Jul 16 2012

#garfield Calendar

18:57 katsmeow-afk seems too many humans have discovered 200790101348
18:58 katsmeow-afk i'd prefer 130720288638 or 150847308914 , but there is zero proof those two work
19:14 rue_house ?
19:15 Tom_itx rue_bed did you get recovered?
19:31 Tom_L rue_house http://www.centralsemi.com/info/mos/?rn=Electronic+Products&ri=%2Fimg%2Flogos%2Fpubs%2Fep_logo.jpg&bsrf=mos6
19:32 rue_house aaah
19:33 rue_house Tom_itx, there are a bunch of little things broken still
19:33 rue_house something about gnomes ability to manage a pallette is not working
19:41 katsmeow-afk CWDM305P may be a mosfet, but at 5amps it's dropping 0.7v and still needs 5v g-s , there's better bipolars
19:43 katsmeow-afk TIP35/36 drop less voltage at 10 amps, and only 1.3v base voltage
19:44 katsmeow-afk TIP41 drops less voltage at 6amps, at 1.1v base voltage
20:16 katsmeow-afk wow, last 3 sec 6 bids came in
20:19 katsmeow-afk Tektronix Oscilliscopoe -- neat, i been wanting a oscilliscopoe
20:20 katsmeow-afk rule of thumb, don't search for what you want to find on ebay
20:21 katsmeow-afk if you'd looked for Oscilloscope you'd have missed out on the Oscilliscopoe , no one would find it, the seller would keep dropping the price
20:23 katsmeow-afk assuming it works, this is a pretty good deal : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tektronix-7603-Oscilloscope-Pulled-from-working-Factory-/400309358318
20:24 katsmeow-afk buy now is $122 and shipping is $31
20:24 katsmeow-afk msg him and offer to pay double shipping if he wraps it n 3" of big bubblewrap
20:25 katsmeow-afk so when it arrives damaged, you have something on your side