#garfield Logs

Jul 09 2012

#garfield Calendar

02:32 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorial/etch
02:32 rue_bed !assist tutorial/elex
02:32 tobbor Possibly http://eds.dyndns.org/~ircjunk/tutorial/elex
02:45 katsmeow-afk there's been other cases of Asian smoke in the usa, as far inland as Utah
02:46 katsmeow-afk that's why so many poeple on the usa west coast bough radiation detectors after the Japanese nuke plant meltdowns
20:35 katsmeow-afk http://www.google.com/search?q=Thiel+Foundation&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1#hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&q=+site:thielfoundation.org+Thiel+Foundation&sa=X&ei=_4P7T7DgKMql6gHx0c3tBg&ved=0CH8QrAM&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=3ddc6ee7f452a242&biw=989&bih=502
20:35 katsmeow-afk do you get a pile viagra commercials for each link there?
20:36 atom1 wanna watch a movie?
20:37 katsmeow-afk depends on the movie
20:37 katsmeow-afk Thiel+Foundation isn't about viagra, etc
20:37 katsmeow-afk he founded PayPal
20:38 atom1 i'll upload it
20:44 Tom_itx 15 min remaining
20:47 katsmeow-afk does no one else see this? :
20:47 katsmeow-afk The Thiel Foundationthielfoundation.org/Cached
20:47 katsmeow-afk You +1'd this publicly. Undo
20:47 katsmeow-afk The Thiel Foundation defends and promotes freedom in all its dimensions: political, personal, and economic.
20:47 katsmeow-afk Peter Thielthielfoundation.org/index.php?option=com_content&view...id=5...
20:47 katsmeow-afk generic 2.5mg daily cialis what is the ticker for cialis http://yoz ...
20:47 katsmeow-afk About the Foundationthielfoundation.org/index.php?option=com_content&view...id=4...
20:47 katsmeow-afk viagra long stay is there something cheaper than viagra here will ...
20:47 katsmeow-afk Contact Usthielf
20:48 katsmeow-afk http://www.google.com/search?q=Thiel+Foundation
20:57 Tom_itx no
20:57 Tom_itx comes up as Thiel Foundation
21:00 katsmeow-afk storms here, power may go out, i may lose internet
21:00 katsmeow-afk it should not come up as Thiel Foundation , it's a google search results page
21:01 Tom_itx 1 min
21:01 Tom_itx my mill video
21:05 katsmeow-afk this is a lot of storm, i hope there is some rain in it, i need drinking water : http://classic.wunderground.com/radar/radblast.asp?zoommode=zoom&num=1&delay=15&rbscale=0.46304347826086955&scale=1.000&noclutter=0&ID=BMX&type=N0R&lat=0&lon=0&label=you&showstorms=0&map.x=459.5&map.y=197&centerx=400&centery=240&lightning=0&smooth=0&showlabels=1&rainsnow=0
21:06 Tom_itx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CEqokrtFI4&feature=youtu.be
21:06 Tom_itx my little mill
21:06 katsmeow-afk i got thunder ,a nd breezes, no rain yet
21:06 katsmeow-afk not just http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CEqokrtFI4 ?
21:06 Tom_itx new one
21:06 Tom_itx actually cutting something
21:27 katsmeow-afk nice video, Tom, i finally got enough of it to watch
21:27 katsmeow-afk no audio, of course
21:29 Tom_itx bbbzzzzzzz
21:29 Tom_itx how's that?
21:29 tsmeow-afk says it over and over while watching a