#garfield Logs

May 20 2012

#garfield Calendar

17:20 iamturnip rue_mohr: ping
20:21 rue_mohr pong
20:22 iamturnip hey I need to have something like this, and I figure for 17 bucks i probably should just get it
20:22 iamturnip http://www.retrousb.com/product_info.php?cPath=21&products_id=52
20:23 iamturnip i imagine the chip on there is some sort of PIC controller?
20:33 rue_mohr hahaha
20:33 rue_mohr pic or avr
20:33 rue_mohr but
20:33 rue_mohr thats not a complete kit
20:34 rue_mohr wait a sec, maybe its something I dont know
20:34 rue_mohr there is a 3 transducer sensor kit that hangs on the tv, I dont see where thats tied in
20:35 iamturnip it doesnt need to
20:35 iamturnip at least i dont think it need stoo
20:36 rue_mohr I dont know what kinda signals the powerglove sends
20:37 rue_mohr wonder what kinda usb device it registers as
20:37 iamturnip I dunno but I wanted to start working on a glove teremen
20:37 rue_mohr :)
20:38 iamturnip ryan had one a long time ago but threw it out, we dont talk anymore so I cant ask him about it
20:39 rue_mohr a powerglove or a modified powerglove?
20:39 iamturnip he made a PG theremen
20:39 rue_mohr hmm
20:39 rue_mohr pretty sure it wasn't usb
20:40 iamturnip no it wasnt...there are serial and parallel conversions out there
20:40 iamturnip http://web.archive.org/web/20041220044419/http://node99.org/projects/vr/bytehack.png
20:41 iamturnip i just thought USB would be easier to work with
20:42 rue_mohr mmm googlin
20:46 rue_mohr http://www.freeinfosociety.com/electronics/schemview.php?id=1474
20:46 rue_mohr huh
20:49 iamturnip as i said...for 17 bucks... why do all the head scratching
20:49 iamturnip its pretty reasonable
20:54 rue_mohr http://psmay.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/nes-controller-pinout.png
20:54 rue_mohr huh
21:05 iamturnip thats a nice one
21:07 rue_mohr but yea, lots of work to make usb drivers and the usb firmware
21:09 iamturnip there is some software out there to make the inputs play with MIDI programs
21:11 iamturnip http://technabob.com/blog/2009/08/22/synthglove-nintendo-power-glove-midi-controller/
21:14 rue_mohr huh
22:08 rue_mohr I wonder what they emulate with the usb
22:08 rue_mohr so you gonna give me a change to take you and friend out for dinner this upcomming week?