#garfield Logs

Mar 25 2012

#garfield Calendar

10:19 Tom_itx i waited my alotted time for a reply and fell asleep
11:09 rue_house reply to what?
11:17 Tom_itx i was gonna see if you wanna play with a bot in here
11:46 rue_house what kind?
11:47 Tom_itx math logging etc
11:47 Tom_itx haven't discovered it's potential yet
12:01 rue_house ah
12:01 rue_house I have a library for tobbor to do math
12:01 rue_house but I , once again, failed to be abel to finish upgrading tobbor to the new version
12:06 Tom_itx i don't care for it's logging mechanism and wish i knew python so i could merge the one i use for that into this one
12:06 rue_house tobbor is great
12:06 rue_house all C