#garfield Logs

Jan 05 2012

#garfield Calendar

18:47 Tom_itx ok zhanx where you been?
20:02 zhanx back Tom_itx
20:03 zhanx https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-ejSRLZfRCfU/TwZTrwrrj8I/AAAAAAAADNg/9kxiGWZnsD4/s800/IMAG0698.jpg
20:03 zhanx https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-fmnA6mPiYRs/TwZT4pvJluI/AAAAAAAADNo/ibPRgbuzSBg/s800/IMAG0699.jpg
20:03 Tom_itx did you give up on your arm?
20:03 Tom_itx board
20:03 zhanx https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-gH5iUyHHUQ0/TwZUEUfeXOI/AAAAAAAADOE/7X5hRfu5N9g/s800/IMAG0700.jpg
20:04 zhanx yep a little while back, i need to learn more basics
20:04 Tom_itx somebody wants me to make a board
20:04 zhanx for ?
20:04 Tom_itx all sorts of goodies on it
20:04 Tom_itx mostly for reprap
20:05 zhanx k
20:05 Tom_itx ethernet, microSD, USB, serial, at least 5 stepper, general io for switches etc
20:06 Tom_itx that's alot of leds
20:06 Tom_itx what was it for?
20:06 zhanx uv pcb's
20:06 Tom_itx did you ever get a stepper wired up to the board?
20:07 zhanx nope
20:12 Tom_itx what are you gonna do with em?
20:13 zhanx not sure yet
20:15 Tom_itx did you start a daughter board for the arm yet?
20:15 zhanx nope sorry
20:16 Tom_itx np
20:19 zhanx thinking i need a sharper knife aka razor
20:19 zhanx this foam board is not cutting very good with my semi sharp one
20:20 zhanx oh an tom that is 200 uv led's waiting on the 50 red ones
20:20 Tom_itx grow lamp?
20:22 zhanx would be a small one
20:24 Tom_itx well crap
20:24 Tom_itx i drew a micro SD package but i don't know the part it goes with
20:24 zhanx in eagle?
20:24 Tom_itx yea
20:25 zhanx can't you look at the properties of it and it should tell you
20:25 Tom_itx not that new of eagle
20:26 zhanx gotcha
20:28 Tom_itx if i drew it i got a pdf for it
20:28 zhanx just need to find it
20:29 zhanx not sure why the seller didn't include my leds all in one package
20:29 Tom_itx i got a pile of papers i'm diggin thru
20:29 Tom_itx i usually print the pad layout
20:32 Tom_itx this must be it
20:32 Tom_itx it's the only micro i have printed
20:32 zhanx so finding it should be easy
20:32 zhanx i get to go back to work tomorrow
20:33 Tom_itx leg better?
20:33 zhanx still on crutches etc, but its healing good
20:35 Tom_itx http://search.digikey.com/us/en/products/DM3AT-SF-PEJM5/HR1964CT-ND/2533566
20:35 Tom_itx i wonder if that's it
20:35 Tom_itx the pads appear to matc
20:35 Tom_itx h
20:38 zhanx tom is this you? http://dilbert.com/dyn/str_strip/000000000/00000000/0000000/100000/40000/6000/500/146545/146545.strip.gif
20:39 zhanx and this is the army http://dilbert.com/dyn/str_strip/000000000/00000000/0000000/100000/40000/6000/500/146544/146544.strip.gif
20:40 Tom_itx :)
21:27 zhanx Tom_itx: thinking about getting 262144 leds' and making a monster cube
21:27 Tom_itx get a tan?
21:28 zhanx monster rgb cube
21:28 Tom_itx ebay?
21:28 zhanx think so