#garfield Logs

Dec 15 2011

#garfield Calendar

00:45 iamturnip people send me the weirdest links
00:45 iamturnip i mean what the hell is that?
00:45 iamturnip ebay needs better spambot control!
00:46 iamturnip hmm this isn't the channel I thought I was in sorry folks!
00:51 zhanx ack dont click!
00:52 iamturnip No don't. I hate when i get crap like that flooding my ebay account
00:55 zhanx i am on ebay looking for was wifi camera for my robot right now
00:57 iamturnip IP or USB?
00:58 iamturnip oh i re read your line..IP
00:58 zhanx IP (notice the wifi front of camera)
00:58 iamturnip I really like the Foscom cameras I got
00:58 iamturnip we have 4 in the building for security
00:59 iamturnip and they play nice with linux
00:59 zhanx a bit pricey for my robot tho
00:59 iamturnip ah got ya..I got them for $65 each but they were on sale at the time
01:00 zhanx these are all over ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/11-LED-Audio-Wireless-Webcam-IP-Camera-Night-Vision-WIFI-Cam-CMOS-300-000-Pixel-/130617071422?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e6962573e
01:05 iamturnip yea those are the fake foscom ones
01:05 iamturnip thats the same style I have
01:05 zhanx fake will be good enough really
01:06 iamturnip as long as you pay fake prices ;)
01:06 zhanx yep