#garfield Logs

Nov 11 2011

#garfield Calendar

13:22 iamturnip you should come over
13:22 iamturnip spend the night in V-town
13:22 iamturnip i'm going to back to our big clean downstairs...I will get photos soon
13:23 iamturnip call me or ifny you want to come over
13:36 rue_house wouldn't work, have to be here in the morning for robotics
13:36 rue_house iamturnip, I prolly have another 50 lbs of batteries
13:50 rue_house iamturnip, shall I keep chipping away at code for operating the teletype?
14:14 rue_house status_t tty2ascii (tty_t * this, char baudot, char * ascii) {
14:14 rue_house char table1[] = {'\0','E','\n','A',' ','S','I','U','\r','D','R','J','N','F','C','K','T','Z','L','W','H','Y','P','Q','O','B','G','shift to figures','M','X','V','shift to letters',};
14:14 rue_house char table2[] = {'\0','3','\n','-',' ','\b','8','7','\r','$','4','\'',',','!',':','(','5','\"',')','2','#','6','0','1','9','?','&','shift to figures','.','/',';','shift to letters'};
14:14 rue_house char * decode[] = {table1, table2};
14:14 rue_house if (0) {
14:14 rue_house } else if (baudot == 30) { // switch to figures
14:14 rue_house this->RXMode = 1;
14:14 rue_house return NotReady;
14:14 rue_house } else if (baudot == 31) { // switch to alpha
14:14 rue_house this->RXMode = 0;
14:14 rue_house return NotReady;
14:14 Tom_itx wtf
14:14 rue_house } else {
14:14 rue_house baudot &= 0x1F;
14:14 rue_house *ascii = decode[this->RXMode][baudot];
14:14 rue_house return OK;
14:14 rue_house }
14:14 rue_house }
15:48 rue_house thats a baudot to ascii converter
15:48 rue_house and we ben having lots power outages
15:49 rue_house dont know why tobbor dropped out tho
22:51 Tom_itx ok at least i know the bearings fit
23:33 iamturnip rue_house: I will have pics for you tomorrow
23:34 iamturnip I found the plug that I think is for communicating with
23:34 iamturnip not many wires
23:34 iamturnip maybe 5 or 6
23:34 iamturnip the rest of the wires are all power it seems
23:34 iamturnip we did a huge clean up today so stuff is a bit easier to work around
23:34 iamturnip batteries are good
23:34 iamturnip I think I have a pallet of about 700lbs right now
23:35 iamturnip so keep it coming!