#flex-dev Logs

Mar 09 2025

#flex-dev Calendar

05:14 AM Tom_L: morning
05:44 AM JT-Chicken: morning
05:56 AM Tom_L: proud kid moment: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/temp/bike/Harley1.jpg
07:26 AM JT-Cave: nice
07:29 AM JT-Cave: I've been riding motorcycles since 1968 and the best advice I can give a new bike owner is to assume no one sees you
07:45 AM JT-Cave: ccatlett1984 I figured out how to resolve the conflict and merged your PR
07:46 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> Woot
07:48 AM * JT-Cave has never resolved a conflict before
07:49 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> Lol
07:49 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> What did you end up having to do?
07:51 AM JT-Cave: I pressed resolve conflict, deleted the lines then had to scroll all the way up to the top to find a button that said mark this resolved then I had to click on the button merge this or something like that then I could go back and click on merge to me
07:55 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> Good to know
08:27 AM Tom_L: JT-Cave, he is taking a riding course first and has a friend that rides all the time that promised to help him
08:27 AM JT-Cave: good idea
08:28 AM Tom_L: no solo until he's comfortable with it
08:28 AM Tom_L: the friend rode it home for him
08:28 AM JT-Cave: nice
08:29 AM JT-Cave: really important to know is if you get off the pavement don't touch the front brake or you'll be kissing the ground
08:30 AM Tom_L: yup
08:30 AM Tom_L: i had a small bike when i was his age
08:31 AM Tom_L: the bike instructor is a retired cop
08:52 AM JT-Cave: a few years ago riding in a group and one was day dreaming I guess and got off the pavement and as soon as her brake light came on she was on the ground so I know she grabbed the front brake
09:13 AM Tom_L: they gave him a nice helmet as part of the deal
09:14 AM Tom_L: mom rule: no helmet no ride
09:14 AM JT-Cave: good rule
09:14 AM JT-Cave: full face helmet?
09:14 AM Tom_L: yup
09:14 AM Tom_L: bluetooth etc
09:14 AM JT-Cave: nice
09:14 AM Tom_L: he said it was a $900 helmet
09:15 AM JT-Cave: wow
09:15 AM Tom_L: looked pretty nice
09:15 AM Tom_L: i'm sure they inflate the cost but we looked other places and they're not cheap
09:15 AM JT-Cave: wow 72 views on the new tutorial
09:15 AM Tom_L: good
09:16 AM JT-Cave: trying to finger out what to do next, general layout maybe
09:16 AM Tom_L: do you have all weather gear too?
09:16 AM Tom_L: he's planning to ride it to work as much as possible
09:17 AM Tom_L: layout would be good, most don't know much about designer etc
09:17 AM Tom_L: i know i knew nothing about it
09:19 AM JT-Shop: yes, we have frogtogs rain gear but for daily driver prob a bit better gear
09:21 AM Tom_L: anything specific to look / look out for?
09:26 AM JT-Shop: the BMW riders always have the best rain gear
09:46 AM Tom_L: oh, what battery tender do you recomend?
09:53 AM JT-Cave: ctek
09:56 AM rdtsc: JT, perhaps make a short video comparing how one would add a button in pyqtvcp versus flex :)
09:57 AM Tom_L: that's like asking how to do a config in mach3 compared to linuxcnc :)
09:57 AM rdtsc: or any other gui - also see if you can normalize future audio to -14dB, last one was very quiet, had to turn it all the way up
09:59 AM JT-Cave: rdtsc, that would not be a short video LOL
10:00 AM JT-Cave: yeah I noticed the volume was low for some reason... but everything is new on this pc thanks to rob
10:02 AM rdtsc: new pc's are always fun :) assuming you use some sort of video editor software, check for a normalize audio feature/fx
10:05 AM rdtsc: technically a compressor and limiter would work better, but then you're fiddling with about 6 knobs :)
10:05 AM JT-Cave: I use audacity
10:05 AM * JT-Cave goes to see if the tractor will start
10:06 AM rdtsc: looks like audacity does support both: https://support.audacityteam.org/audio-editing/reducing-dynamic-range-compressor-limiter
10:08 AM JT-Shop: thanks
10:16 AM C3-Shop: I need to redo the first one the title graphic is not sharp and clear
10:18 AM rdtsc: if ya wanted to get fancy, could try https://kdenlive.org/en/ but that's kinda a rabbit-hole of "ooh now I can do this, and this, and this" heheh
10:20 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> the free version of Davinci resolve is great
10:29 AM JT-Cave: I use flowblade
10:57 AM JT-Shop: I think I just need to setup audacity again
10:59 AM JT-Shop: I messed with kdenlive a while back but for some unknown reason prefer flowblade