#flex-dev Logs
Feb 18 2025
#flex-dev Calendar
04:27 AM Tom_L: morning
04:38 AM Tom_L: we got a dusting so far but looks like more on the way
04:38 AM Tom_L: 7F
05:02 AM JT-Cave: morning
07:27 AM Tom_L: -20 windchill
07:27 AM Tom_L: good we didn't get the snow they predicted _yet_
07:28 AM Tom_L: maybe an inch or so
07:30 AM JT-Cave: we could get 10 inches
07:33 AM Tom_L: they said 8-12 here but haven't seen it yet
07:33 AM Tom_L: hope i don't
07:57 AM JT-Cave: I've somehow fixed tool change buttons and broken tool change from cb
08:12 AM JT-Cave: ok mode is now correct after doing a tool change via tool change button, combo box or mdi
08:13 AM JT-Cave: gonna be a cold week here but Monday forecast is for 55°F and sunny
08:16 AM Tom_L: good to go for a deb?
08:17 AM JT-Cave: yup
08:18 AM Tom_L: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/9-installing-linuxcnc/53163-new-and-working-rtai-debs-for-2-9?start=60
08:22 AM Tom_L: PR #272
08:35 AM Tom_L: the plotter doesn't work on 2.9.4
08:36 AM Tom_L: standard tool change crashes
08:50 AM Tom_dev: https://paste.debian.net/1350873/
08:50 AM Tom_dev: Traceback (most recent call last):
08:50 AM Tom_dev: File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/libflexgui/status.py", line 151, in update
08:50 AM Tom_dev: elif parent.tool_button:
08:50 AM Tom_dev: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
08:50 AM Tom_dev: AttributeError: 'flexgui' object has no attribute 'tool_button'
08:50 AM Tom_L: plotter works in axis
08:52 AM Tom_L: not sure what changed in 2.9.4 to cause the plot to quit working
08:55 AM Tom_L: PR #273 with the button fix
09:05 AM Tom_L: the plot shows up but during homing doesn't move
09:06 AM Tom_L: dro etc all seem to work, just no movements
09:06 AM Tom_L: running a program works
09:08 AM Tom_L: nevermind
09:10 AM Tom_L: during my op tests G54 got reset to machine X0 Y0 Z0
09:10 AM Tom_L: it's all working
09:10 AM Tom_L: or possibly during the linuxcnc update
09:15 AM Tom_L: something strange going on with home. i move to a location and set G54 X0 Y0 Z0, restart, home and it stays at machine zero
09:15 AM Tom_L: not sure what's going on
09:17 AM Tom_L: does the same thing in axis
09:18 AM Tom_L: i think it's my brain fade
09:27 AM lcnc-relay: <zincboy_ca_on@> The machine will always go to where ever the absolute home position is (set in the INI) after homing. The setting of work offset zero doesn't matter. You would need to do a G54, G0 X0 Y0 Z0 after homing to move to the zero defined by G54. Apologies if I am misreading your issue.
09:57 AM Tom_L: i think some defaults changed but i'm going to check things closer
09:57 AM Tom_L: yeah the home thing was brain fade
09:58 AM Tom_L: it behaves a little different than 2.9.3
10:00 AM Tom_L: so far the new RTAI looks excellent
11:49 AM JT-Cave: lunch
11:54 AM Tom_L: back
11:55 AM Tom_L: nice n windy here
11:56 AM Tom_L: everything seems to be working on 2.9.4 but the subroutines are not behaving. gonna explore that after lunch
11:56 AM Tom_L: not sure what's going on there
11:57 AM Tom_L: you been workin at empire?
12:07 PM JT-Cave: not today, they are mixing in the mixing room so super dusty
12:07 PM JT-Cave: I'm still at 2.9.2
12:11 PM JT-Cave: I can see the snow approaching on radar
12:29 PM Tom_L: yeah it's headed right for you
12:29 PM Tom_L: it's blowing alot here
12:30 PM Tom_L: i went to 2.9.4 because i wanted to test that RTAI
12:30 PM Tom_L: and that's what is packaged with it
12:31 PM Tom_L: there's definitely something different about it
12:31 PM Tom_L: i'm gonna run the sub mdi a line at a time and see what it does
12:34 PM * JT-Shop decides it's nap time
01:23 PM JT-Shop: just put a m0 between each line
01:33 PM Tom_L: something odd going on with the mdi function
01:33 PM Tom_L: i can run the subroutine from the mdi line and it works fine but when i call it with the button it just hangs
01:34 PM Tom_L: at first i single stepped thru as a regular program after removing the sub call and that worked fine
01:34 PM Tom_L: running from mdi line also works but calling with an mdi button does not
01:36 PM C3-Shop: what mode are you in when you call it with a mdi button
01:37 PM Tom_L: manual
01:38 PM Tom_L: it looks like it tries to switch but jumps right back to manual
01:39 PM C3-Shop: that sounds like I fixed one problem and created another one
01:39 PM Tom_L: not enough time to read the mode but it does switch in a flash to what looks like mdi but right back to manual
01:40 PM Tom_L: i thought it might be 2.9.4 but so far everything else seems to work
01:43 PM Tom_L: i'll sit on it a bit
01:50 PM Tom_L: yeah it does the same thing with all the subs now
01:51 PM Tom_L: switches to mdi for a sec then back to manual
01:53 PM JT-Cave: hmm mdi button works here
01:55 PM JT-Cave: subroutines do not run... or only run for a second
02:05 PM JT-Cave: twas some test code trying to fix the tool change number button
02:08 PM Tom_L: fixed?
02:10 PM JT-Shop: yup
02:11 PM Tom_L: i think we've got around 4-6" so far but it's hard to tell it's blowing so much
02:11 PM Tom_L: ok i'll try it
02:11 PM Tom_L: i'd updated to 2.9.4 the same time so i thought it may be that
02:13 PM JT-Shop: no it was me
02:14 PM Tom_L: well it was my turn to fck up yesterday :)
02:15 PM Tom_L: err the other day with bash history...
03:39 PM Tom_L: PR #274 update subs & build deb
03:44 PM C3-Shop: I need to update my bolt circle sub
03:50 PM Tom_L: i just pushed the new one
03:50 PM Tom_L: no first hole bs
03:50 PM C3-Shop: lol
03:51 PM C3-Shop: https://radar.weather.gov/?settings=v1_eyJhZ2VuZGEiOnsiaWQiOm51bGwsImNlbnRlciI6Wy05MC43NjMsMzYuNTQ0XSwibG9jYXRpb24iOm51bGwsInpvb20iOjcuODUwMDAyMjY5OTgwMTh9LCJhbmltYXRpbmciOmZhbHNlLCJiYXNlIjoic3RhbmRhcmQiLCJhcnRjYyI6ZmFsc2UsImNvdW50eSI6ZmFsc2UsImN3YSI6ZmFsc2UsInJmYyI6ZmFsc2UsInN0YXRlIjpmYWxzZSwibWVudSI6dHJ1ZSwic2hvcnRGdXNlZE9ubHkiOmZhbHNlLCJvcGFjaXR5Ijp7ImFsZXJ0cyI6MC44LCJsb2NhbCI6MC42LCJsb2NhbFN0YXRpb25zIjowLjgsIm5hdGlvbmFsIjowLjZ9fQ%3D%3D
03:51 PM Tom_L: yeah i've been watching a color pallet all day
03:51 PM C3-Shop: kinda light here atm
03:51 PM C3-Shop: chicken soup tonight
03:52 PM Tom_L: had that 2 days ago and yesterday lunch
03:52 PM Tom_L: chicken pot pie
03:52 PM Tom_L: last night and roast tonight
03:52 PM C3-Shop: got some of those noodles you told me about
03:52 PM Tom_L: i like em
03:52 PM Tom_L: kinda fills ya up
03:52 PM C3-Shop: me too
03:53 PM Tom_L: this whole cloud thing is moving due east right over you
03:53 PM Tom_L: been snowing steady all day
03:53 PM Tom_L: kinda powdery
03:54 PM C3-Shop: a bit wet atm
03:54 PM C3-Shop: sticks to your coat
03:54 PM Tom_L: i took a leaf blower to one of the trucks and it came right off
03:54 PM Tom_L: earlier
03:55 PM Tom_L: kid applied for a programmer job now
03:56 PM C3-Shop: the machinist?
03:56 PM Tom_L: yes they wanted somebody they could train. and he's had all the classes
03:56 PM Tom_L: they use mastercam and he took that
03:57 PM Tom_L: i told him to try it out while he's young
03:57 PM Tom_L: better pay
03:58 PM Tom_L: i don't think he's the desk type though
03:59 PM C3-Shop: if it's challenging enough it could be fun
03:59 PM Tom_L: so far he hasn't hunted for any of these jobs
04:00 PM Tom_L: i enjoyed programming when i did it but also liked running the machines and helping my bud i was able to do both
04:01 PM Tom_L: i think at this place all their 5 axis are cradles
04:01 PM Tom_L: with a regular spindle
04:01 PM Tom_L: smaller parts
04:02 PM Tom_L: he gave his 2 weeks and so far they haven't walked him out
04:03 PM Tom_L: he said his supervisor would probably wait for the snow
04:03 PM Tom_L: he's gotta load up that rollaround toolbox
04:04 PM Tom_L: he can forklift it on their end but not here
04:08 PM Tom_L: that unigine heaven program is a good latency test. it really loads the gpu down
04:08 PM Tom_L: alot more than glxgears
04:10 PM xxcoder: even with vblank set to 0? interesting
04:59 PM JT-Shop: bringing the tool box home?
05:24 PM Tom_L: sooner or later
05:24 PM Tom_L: he probably won't need it for his next job