#flex-dev Logs

Feb 12 2025

#flex-dev Calendar

04:45 AM Tom_L: morning
05:03 AM Tom_L: the angle and repeat count are part of the drill cycle
05:03 AM Tom_L: the L is the count for the circular array
05:04 AM JT-Cave: morning
05:05 AM Tom_L: so i think if you copy that sub with the drill cycles leaving out the count and angle it should work
05:05 AM Tom_L: for the first hole
05:06 AM Tom_L: then just decrement the count for the rest
05:06 AM Tom_L: came to me after sleeping :)
06:06 AM JT-Cave: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/media/kunena/attachments/19092/bolt-hole.ngc
06:24 AM Tom_L: hmm
06:25 AM Tom_L: another interesting thing there is the single "(" on notes
06:26 AM Tom_L: err no the other one is way over at the end
06:34 AM JT-Cave: it's a mess lol
06:34 AM Tom_L: snowing here
06:40 AM JT-Cave: 90% rain here after while
07:44 AM JT-Cave: https://paste.debian.net/1349636/
07:45 AM JT-Cave: getting close just need to add peck
07:53 AM JT-Cave: https://paste.debian.net/1349639/
09:19 AM Tom_L: may want to comment out 32
09:20 AM Tom_L: not sure i follow that line along with 37
09:21 AM Tom_L: or does calling the angle by itself trigger the drill op
09:32 AM Tom_L: that part of the docs is rather unclear
09:41 AM Tom_L: this lumps them in modal group 1: https://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/gcode/overview.html#gcode:modal-groups
09:41 AM Tom_L: this appears to separate them into their own modal group: https://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/gcode.html
09:42 AM Tom_L: but kept G80 in the motion group
09:45 AM Tom_L: that's cool that you can put ^#<angle> in a loop instead of using the L word
09:46 AM Tom_L: i've never used '^' until i did these
09:48 AM JT-Shop: if you're looking at the last post 32 moves to z clear
09:48 AM JT-Shop: 37 is M3 but I forgot the S word
09:49 AM Tom_L: my last post i see shows 32 #<holes> = [#1015 - 1]
09:49 AM Tom_L: i didn't look but R should be the return level in the canned cycle
09:50 AM Tom_L: you must be looking at a polished version
09:50 AM JT-Shop: ok looking at the wrong one 32 is the number of holes left to drill after the first one is done
09:51 AM JT-Shop: https://paste.debian.net/1349639/
09:51 AM Tom_L: i was gonna say it should decrement in the loop
09:51 AM JT-Shop: 25-30 select the cycle and drill the first hole
09:52 AM JT-Shop: so the first hole is finished at that point so you want the number of holes - 1
09:52 AM Tom_L: i see that part
09:52 AM Tom_L: i didn't know you could call the canned cycle with just the updated angle callout
09:52 AM Tom_L: in the loop
09:52 AM JT-Shop: it's the same as calling x and y
09:53 AM Tom_L: right
09:53 AM Tom_L: so it moves from hole to hole instead of back to center first
09:53 AM JT-Shop: once you start the canned cycle you stay in it until you either do g80 or some other g code in the same modal group
09:53 AM JT-Shop: yup
09:53 AM Tom_L: i was adding the angle from the center
09:54 AM JT-Shop: ^ is always from the origin
09:55 AM Tom_L: i'm surprised the x given in the first hole doesn't mess with that
09:55 AM Tom_L: it's persistent and doesn't get updated
09:56 AM Tom_L: so '^' trumps 'x'
09:57 AM Tom_L: new to me but never too old to learn
10:00 AM Tom_L: maybe one day i'll update my examples
10:03 AM JT-Cave: anyway I gotta get some work done
10:03 AM Tom_L: i was to go out of town today but will go tomorrow instead
10:03 AM Tom_L: maybe the roads will be better
10:04 AM Tom_L: looks like i owe you a pr too
10:07 AM Tom_L: PR #263
10:39 AM Tom_L: do you need the G99 on Ln23?
10:39 AM Tom_L: ok i think i see... it sets how the R word will be used
11:03 AM Tom_L: i think you need to add an S word
11:07 AM Tom_L: and Ln11 G0 Z#1016 maybe should be Z#1017 or #1018?
11:19 AM Tom_L: also may need a G43 with the H word for the drill
11:21 AM Tom_L: #5400 is the current tool so G43 H#5400 works for any tool
11:23 AM Tom_L: unless you don't use tool offsets
11:32 AM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> Ugh, don't know what I did in my fork, mesact doesn't see the 7c80 anymore. Today will be "how far back do I need to revert"...
12:03 PM JT-Shop: yeah I've not even done the tool part, just getting the routine to work
12:04 PM JT-Shop: and yes I forgot the S word
12:15 PM Tom_L: #1020 may be used 2x
12:16 PM Tom_L: EQ 0 and Q word
12:16 PM JT-Shop: and I did fix the first z move
12:16 PM Tom_L: yours looks simpler than mine
12:17 PM JT-Shop: I'll paste bin when I get back unless you want to see it now
12:17 PM Tom_L: kinda like it
12:17 PM Tom_L: doesn't matter
12:17 PM JT-Shop: let run down and paste it up
12:17 PM Tom_L: i doubt i work on mine today
12:18 PM Tom_L: i was kinda comparing and taking notes
12:19 PM JT-Cave: https://paste.debian.net/1349669/
12:19 PM JT-Cave: that's what I have now... still no tool loading
12:19 PM Tom_L: oh wait... 1020 is ok
12:20 PM Tom_L: it's zero if no peck and if it is, the peck cycle uses it
12:20 PM JT-Cave: yup
12:20 PM Tom_L: it's slowly coming back to me :)
12:20 PM JT-Cave: bbl
12:20 PM Tom_L: k
02:16 PM JT-Shop: I think I'll add tool and if tool = 0 then use the current tool
02:31 PM JT-Shop: if tool in spindle is not -1
02:51 PM Tom_L: does gcode ever see tool as -1? on startup i did a (debug,#5400) and it came back as 0
02:57 PM JT-Woodshop: maybe that just a python thing
02:57 PM JT-Woodshop is now known as C3-Shop
02:58 PM Tom_L: i think. i tried it flex and axis
02:58 PM C3-Shop: #5400 is the same in all guis
02:58 PM Tom_L: i know
03:00 PM Tom_L: i do the if #5400 EQ 0 test at the start and exit if it is
03:04 PM C3-Shop: if #5400 GT 0 then skip the tool change
03:04 PM C3-Shop: or if #5400 eq 0 do the tool change
03:08 PM JT-Cave: and if #5400 eq 0 and tool number eq 0 bitch and bail
03:09 PM Tom_L: your sub will do a tool change?
03:15 PM JT-Shop: if tool number is > 0 yes it will when I get to that part
03:16 PM Tom_L: cool
03:16 PM Tom_L: bbiab.. running an errand
04:13 PM Tom_L: you get the kit for the pitman arm yet?
04:20 PM C3-Shop: I have to clean and evaluate what I need... so far everything looks pretty good
04:21 PM C3-Shop: so just a bearing and seal kit might be all I need
04:21 PM C3-Shop: https://www.zip-corvette.com/63-82-steering-box-rebuild-kit.html
04:23 PM Tom_L: might have to make a small bushing puller
04:24 PM C3-Shop: I was just looking at that
04:24 PM Tom_L: unless you can press them all the way thru
04:25 PM Tom_L: https://www.harborfreight.com/two-jaw-pilot-bearing-puller-58209.html?gQT=1
04:26 PM Tom_L: dunno how big that is
04:31 PM C3-Shop: https://www.chevyhardcore.com/tech-stories/rebuild-your-c2-c3-corvette-steering-box-flaming-river/
04:36 PM C3-Shop: https://www.corvettemagazine.com/1963-1982-corvette-steering-box-rebuild/
04:36 PM C3-Shop: 07: Using a large shaft, drive the Pitman arm shaft bushings out of the housing. Then clean the housing thoroughly.
04:36 PM C3-Shop: maybe I'm over thinking getting them out
04:37 PM Tom_L: one out each end
04:37 PM Tom_L: maybe a brass bar if you have one
04:37 PM Tom_L: won't gouge things up like a steel bar would
04:38 PM Tom_L: but it's a pretty straight on attack angle
04:44 PM Tom_L: might have to get another torque wrench :)
04:44 PM Tom_L: inch/lb
04:45 PM JT-Shop: yup need a 0-30 dial type
04:52 PM JT-Shop: used a piece of 1" round and a small hammer and they both came right out
04:54 PM JT-Shop: the pitman shaft is 1.125 OD
04:54 PM Tom_L: ahh you had it apart already
04:55 PM JT-Shop: yup the pitman shaft bushings were the last thing to get out
04:55 PM JT-Shop: now I need to clean parts
04:59 PM JT-Shop: I've not smelled that smell from the old grease in a long long time
04:59 PM JT-Shop: last time I smelled that was at my grand parents farm garage
05:00 PM Tom_L: i worked on a jensen healey gearbox once that had whale oil in it... nasty
05:03 PM JT-Shop: that would be a bit older than the 82
05:03 PM Tom_L: i don't remember what year it was
05:03 PM Tom_L: the guy had an original mini cooper too
05:03 PM JT-Shop: 1972 until 1976
05:03 PM Tom_L: constantly overheating
05:04 PM JT-Shop: neighbor in la had a bug eyed sprite
05:04 PM Tom_L: i've worked on those too
05:04 PM Tom_L: mgbgt
05:05 PM Tom_L: crappy cars imo
05:09 PM Tom_L: he had the cooper bored out and i think the cylinder walls were too thin
05:10 PM Tom_L: one of those SCCA types
05:21 PM Tom_L: i used to have a lotus twincam manual but i think i finally got rid of it
05:21 PM JT-Shop: I still have the service manual for the S15... forget what year it was
05:24 PM Tom_itx: https://www.timescolonist.com/archive/bill-vance-fiats-128-a-fun-affordable-italian-sports-car-4603813
05:25 PM Tom_itx: i had one of those once upon a time
05:26 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
05:27 PM JT-Shop: I had a few VW's until I got my first new vehicle a 81 C10 Custom Deluxe
05:27 PM Tom_L: i had a '68
05:27 PM JT-Shop: oh and a couple of mustangs
05:28 PM Tom_L: i liked the older mustangs
05:28 PM JT-Shop: I had a 66 and a 68 both cost $200
05:28 PM Tom_L: heh not anymore
05:29 PM JT-Shop: the 68 had some battle damage with a drunk driver and a trailer hitch on a pickup
05:29 PM Tom_L: my bud's dad that had the stearman shop had one he'd completely restored
05:30 PM Tom_L: mustang that is
05:31 PM JT-Shop: hmm the yellow one was a 65 not a 66 and had a straight 6
05:31 PM JT-Shop: and a 3 speed with a floor shifter
05:31 PM JT-Shop: and a bench seat
05:32 PM Tom_L: better for dates :)
05:35 PM JT-Shop: https://www.cjponyparts.com/resources/1965-mustang-history
05:38 PM Tom_L: one of the good classics
06:07 PM * JT-Shop calls it a night