#flex-dev Logs

Feb 06 2025

#flex-dev Calendar

04:54 AM JT-Cave: morning
06:02 AM lcnc-relay: <gott1.0@> Hi everybody, i have a Raspberry Pi 5 Modell B, 4x 2,4 GHz, 4 GB DDR4 and created images of v. 2.9.4 to SD card & USB drive with 3 different burning software including balenaEtcher. When i boot the RPi5 the drives are not recognized (as bootable) at all. With an image of vanilla Ubuntu it works just fine. anyone knows what i am doing wrong?
08:26 AM rdtsc-w: Hi gott1.0, I'd suggest searching and posting this question on the forums. RodW has been making the RPi images so he may know something, but he doesn't frequent IRC/discord.
08:28 AM rdtsc-w: All I can add is that I've installed 2.9.1r0, 2.9.3, and upgrade to 2.9.4 on SD on Rpi4B with zero issue.
09:47 AM lcnc-relay: <gott1.0@> rdtsc-w: thx - i will try that!
01:02 PM rdtsc-w: so I figured out how to make text bold in IRC... append a \02 in front of the word and a \0F after it. That's ASCII char 2 and 15. Alas, I can't get my client (konversation) to accept either CTRL+SHIFT+U then 2 or 02, nor does it accept any escape sequence. :(
01:18 PM rdtsc-w: I got it via a hack... had to manually edit the konversationrc file (using geany) to add the CTRL+SHIFT+U then 2 then enter. Did that on an "outgoing replace" rule, which changes  to bold and  to regular. :)
01:19 PM rdtsc-w: of course it's not going to let me type those sequences now... regular HTML bold and unbold commands :)
01:20 PM lcnc-relay: <voiditswarranty@> gott1.0@: do you have other drives plugged in? like, sd card plus usb? I needed to change my default boot order (using an rpi image and editing the config.txt once to write the bootloader options) if I wanted to use my NVME drive as boot and the sd card and usb drives for other things
03:12 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> gott1.0@: What storage device do you want to boot from?
03:57 PM Roguish: buildbot2 is running again....
04:02 PM JT-Shop: well crap my power distribution block has a loose connector so that puts me back 2 days waiting on a better one
07:09 PM Roguish: finally up to .50 in rain today....
07:12 PM Roguish: dinner time..... ttfn
08:38 PM rdtsc: What's the difference between a Hippo and a Zippo? 01,01The hippo is a very heavy animal, while the Zippo is a little lighter. ;)