#avr Logs

Sep 28 2022

#avr Calendar

12:32 PM nuxil_ is now known as nuxil
02:17 PM Kre10s: Hi. I've got an old project based on an atmega64m1... I am unable to flash the bootloader at addr 0xE000 as I used to do. https://pastebin.com/VtUMzAk7
02:18 PM Kre10s: avrdude seems to think the chip does not have enough flash. however, I know this has worked before. is the avrdude config broke
02:49 PM aborazmeh is now known as abduunn
06:15 PM exp: word address vs byte address prly?
06:15 PM exp: who knows, because they left
11:28 PM specing_ is now known as specing