#avr Logs

Sep 08 2022

#avr Calendar

03:41 AM nuxil_ is now known as nuxil
06:07 PM skempf: I have a basic question. I'm using a UART (Atmega 2560). What happens if the host is sending a byte at the same time I am sending a byte?
06:08 PM skempf: ^ at the same time the MCU is sending a byte
06:08 PM * skempf have to leave, but will be back
06:10 PM Phantom: work fine as it is 2 different buffers and wires
06:22 PM specing_ is now known as specing
09:21 PM skempf: You read and write to the same "register", e.g. UDR0 for example. The Rx wire is connected to the receive shift register and in a similar fashion tx to the transmit shift register, but both are connected to the UDRn "buffer".
09:38 PM Thrashbarg: reading from the register will load received bytes from the RxD pin. Writing to the register will trigger a transmit state and send the byte over the Tx pin. The register isn't set up to be able to read back the most recent byte sent
10:33 PM zns: I have an arduino Uno (atmega328p) that I'm hacking on in C without using the Arduino libraries - Is there a way to utilize arduinos serial monitor to help 'debug' without bringing in their whole library? anyway to just do it with registers?
10:35 PM Phantom: just make your own serial library
10:41 PM zns: i guess what im wondering is if I write my own, can i still make use of using the usb connection as a serial bus like it would be if I just used Serial()