#avr Logs

Aug 23 2022

#avr Calendar

06:21 AM exp: hey LeoNerd came across a post of yours while solving the exact same problem: https://www.mail-archive.com/avr-gcc-list@nongnu.org/msg08731.html
06:30 AM exp: mine's not quite exactly the same problem because i need to call the same function both from bootloader and from app, so i can't refer to anything in .data
06:30 AM exp: so instead i have been storing an array of pointers to compound literal arrays, which is not easy to translate to __flash
06:32 AM LeoNerd: Mmm... fun
06:35 AM exp: yeah i'm not sure of the best way to address it
06:35 AM exp: for small stuff i can easily just give them a proper name
03:24 PM specing_ is now known as specing
04:27 PM exp: i eventually went with two similarly named functions as i can't really use progmem for both
04:27 PM exp: and the classic void* callback nonsense
07:03 PM crackwitz is now known as Cracki