#avr Logs

Aug 21 2022

#avr Calendar

11:38 AM specing_ is now known as specing
12:43 PM WormFeud is now known as WormFood
03:33 PM LeoNerd: Anyone know anything about ATtiny 1-series chips, SPI in master mode, and the interrupt not firing..?
03:33 PM LeoNerd: I have "the obvious" code loop that just writes new data to SPI0.DATA then spins waiting for SPI0.INTFLAGS & SPI_IF_bm
03:33 PM LeoNerd: Sometimes it works fine. Sometimes it doesn't ever fire and just sits there spinning
03:55 PM LeoNerd: Hmm.. it seems it lost MASTER mode
03:57 PM LeoNerd: Ahah! Again I think I ran into this before, it wasn't written anywhere. You have to set the PORTA.OUTDIR settings *before* you enable the SPI module
03:57 PM LeoNerd: Setting them afterwards seems to weirdly break stuff
04:09 PM LeoNerd: https://twitter.com/cpan_pevans/status/1561460217036296198 -- made a random tweet about it, just to increase the ability to search for it next time