#avr Logs

Aug 12 2022

#avr Calendar

02:16 AM exp: nuxil: next step, overclock your processor :)
02:25 AM exp: i accidentally ran my xmega at 64mhz instead of 32mhz
02:25 AM exp: and 10 cycles (equiv) better than 19 cycles (equiv) :p
02:28 AM specing_ is now known as specing
05:05 AM nuxil: https://i.imgur.com/sdvR7Lj.png
05:05 AM nuxil: why are three two tables for the Hfuse ??
05:06 AM nuxil: that is the DS for the atmega1284p
06:13 AM nuxil: problem solved.. damn microchip messed up the documentation :p
06:13 AM nuxil: found a older DS. with only 1 Hfuse table.
02:28 PM specing_ is now known as specing