#avr Logs

Jul 07 2022

#avr Calendar

04:30 AM josuah: nuxil: https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin/tree/bugfix-2.1.x/Marlin/src/HAL/AVR
04:40 AM josuah: nuxil: oh you mean C, not AVR
04:40 AM josuah: such as, removing the C++ specifics out of the project?
04:40 AM nuxil: yeah. i hate c++. its a monsterus horrible language :p
04:40 AM nuxil: 100 ways of doing one thing.. C much simpler. in general 1 way. and if you fail you fail hard :p
04:41 AM nuxil: heh
04:42 AM josuah: grbl is in C, but no 3d-printing, just 2d things https://github.com/gnea/grbl/tree/master/grbl
04:42 AM nuxil: not of any use for me.
04:44 AM nuxil: i modifed a 3d printer. made a hybrid of ender 3 and tarantula. swapped out the mainboard. and now im in the process of putting fw on it.
04:44 AM nuxil: there is like klipper and marlin. idk if klipper is based on marlin, havent checked it out. just know it exsits.
04:45 AM nuxil: my idea is to modify marlin or whatever. to be able to have slave boards using spi.
04:46 AM nuxil: klipper support multiple boards. but you need a computer and hook every board up to usb
04:46 AM nuxil: i dont like that
01:54 PM specing_ is now known as specing
10:53 PM jancoow5 is now known as jancoow