#avr Logs

Jun 30 2022

#avr Calendar

02:58 AM specing_ is now known as specing
10:26 PM Tigzee: cehteh: you called mt t44a old teh other day. I'm looking at the 424 datasheet...and your right. SOOOO many times I wanted 9 bit HW serial....Im going ot have to quickly use up the remaining t44's to get my hands on these newer ones :)
10:28 PM Tigzee: The internal temperature looks more accurate as well
10:28 PM Tigzee: and CRC :)
10:30 PM Tigzee: nvm crc, it appears only for entire sections of flash, boot, etc...
10:40 PM Tigzee: IT also doesn't seem to haev a PLL. only a divisor on the clock. so I would need an external clock source to get 24mhz again