#avr Logs

Jun 18 2022

#avr Calendar

06:50 AM specing_ is now known as specing
07:06 AM bionade24: Hello, how can I handle 16-bit integers on an Atmega16? Do I need to split it up to 8-bit vars?
07:09 AM qu1j0t3: in C?
07:14 AM bionade24: Oh sorry I forgot to mention in AVR assembler. I have a 16 bit constant I need to compare to.
07:16 AM twnqx: then yes, you handle it with two registers
07:19 AM bionade24: twnqx: Ok thx, guess using high() & low() to split up the constant into 2 constants at compile time is the best approach without macros, isn'it?
07:24 AM twnqx: i use C, sorry
07:59 AM bionade24: twnqx: Thx anyways, I have to use assembler for my classes. If it'd be for a hobby project I'd go with C, too :D
07:59 AM twnqx: it's a long time since i used assembler, and the last times were even just inline in C, so i am just not sure about the semantics of freestanding assembler for AVR ;)
08:05 AM qu1j0t3: last time i did much was PIC, but i think high()/low() is correct there as well. check the assembler doc?
08:09 AM twnqx: my first assembler was 6502, but noone would dare to really use 16bit anything on that :P
08:12 AM qu1j0t3: we did tho :)
12:24 PM funkymon1ey is now known as funkymonkey
06:49 PM specing_ is now known as specing