#avr Logs

May 19 2022

#avr Calendar

08:49 AM specing_ is now known as specing
06:16 PM harrar: I am hoping that someone can help me figure this USBasp out before I take a hammer to it! I am trying to use it to put a bootloader on my atmega2560 for my anycubic mega pro so I can flash the firmware to it. It's a new board that did not come with a boot loader. But I keep getting errors when I try to flash the bootloader and all of the google
06:16 PM harrar: stuff is like years old!
06:16 PM harrar: Error messages are
06:16 PM harrar: avrdude: warning: cannot set sck period. please check for usbasp firmware update.
06:16 PM harrar: avrdude: error: program enable: target doesn't answer. 0
06:16 PM harrar: avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1
06:16 PM harrar:          Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
06:16 PM harrar:          this check.
06:23 PM qu1j0t3: i know this isn't what u want to hear, but i had to abandon Mega2560's, i could never get anything to upload. i moved to NXP
06:26 PM harrar: honestly I thought about it but my competence level is seriously in question at the moment....
06:26 PM qu1j0t3: i can totally relate to the frustration
06:27 PM qu1j0t3: i could never get past the stk_recv error 500 stuff.
06:27 PM qu1j0t3: reached my limit.
06:27 PM harrar: I have 2 printers with different motherboards that are currently useless because I am not a coder/programmer...it's frustrating
06:29 PM harrar: I just need to get the bootloader on it. I have the USBasp, and way too many programs than I ever thought I would need, but I can't get it to load the bootloader
06:29 PM harrar: I have been searching google for hours but everything that mentions these codes is years old and some of it is well over my head...
09:17 PM rue_bed: whats his setup?
09:17 PM rue_bed: nxp?
09:17 PM rue_bed: 8051?
09:30 PM qu1j0t3: rue_bed: I chose NXP KE06Z after that experience. but I also have an STM32 G474RE that i haven't used much yet, since 5v is more useful to me right now
09:31 PM qu1j0t3: dw, going back to the 328 very soon for a port