#avr Logs

Apr 13 2022

#avr Calendar

12:16 AM nonlinear is now known as zero-xray
08:33 AM specing_ is now known as specing
04:03 PM baltazar: hi! I have a device with an atmega32u4, and I can't figure out how to upload code to it. it's supposed to work with avrdude's avr109 programmer, but it just times out
04:04 PM baltazar: however, if I try to upload a blank sketch with arduino-cli, it does work.
04:05 PM baltazar: looking at their boards.txt, for leonardo which is also atmega32u4 based, they use some options that I don't know how to replicate from my simple makefile: use_1200bps_touch and wait_for_upload_port
04:14 PM baltazar: ah, apparently `stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 1200 crtscts` does the trick for resetting it
04:22 PM baltazar: uh oh. could it have somehow messed up the bootloader?
04:29 PM baltazar: huh, apparently even arduino's empty sketch does something, if I compile and upload `int main() {}` then it won't even show up as a USB device anymore. luckily manually toggling the reset pin does work
05:46 PM baltazar: I swear arduino libraries are the jankiest stuff
08:33 PM specing_ is now known as specing
11:47 PM nonlinear is now known as zero-xray