#avr Logs

Mar 27 2022

#avr Calendar

02:36 AM mikee is now known as saxicola
04:59 AM specing_ is now known as specing
05:16 PM LeoNerd: cehteh: So, update on my crashing ATtiny814... running my standard test program on there also crashes. I suspect the chip is dead somehow :/
05:20 PM LeoNerd: HAH I am an idiot. I forgot that I'd reused the chip for a bootloader, so I had the boot fuses set wrong
05:21 PM LeoNerd: $ avr-updi write-fuses -p t814 BOOTEND=0 and now all is fine :)
05:22 PM LeoNerd: Which is why it felt like it was being really sensitive to weird memory addresses. It was. Specifically, it was sensitive to jumping outside of the "bootloader" area
07:52 PM Phantom: atleast you found the issue
07:52 PM Phantom: now, learn from this!
07:55 PM qu1j0t3: lol