#avr Logs

Mar 23 2022

#avr Calendar

12:52 AM WormFood: https://gallery.microchip.com/packages/4CE20911-D794-4550-8B94-6C66A93228B8/ <-- this is the ONLY download I can find for asf 3.52, and it's for atmel studio. Where the fuck do I download it for gcc?
01:00 AM WormFood: https://asf.microchip.com/docs/latest/download.html says "ASF standalone archive for GCC (makefile-based) and IAR Embedded Workbench", but the link is 404
01:00 AM WormFood: I downloaded their 270 meg package, for atmel studio, and upon extracting it, I can find nothing useful, and I have no clue what they're doing with all those files of crazy extensions. I know what I want is hidden in there somewhere, but no idea where
01:00 AM WormFood: You'd think there'd be a download somewhere else, but I've spent over an hour trying to find it, with no luck
02:01 AM luxemboy1 is now known as luxemboye
08:53 AM PublicWiFi is now known as McDonaldsWiFi
09:13 AM Kabriel: WormFood: I may be misunderstanding the comment, but the Atmel studio (7) has a directory "toolchain" that has the gnu tools (e.g. avr-gcc.exe, etc.).
11:53 AM WormFood: Kabriel, since they make no version of Atmel Studio for Linux, I don't use that. In addition, I don't need the toolchain, as I already have that under Linux.
12:15 PM Kabriel: Yeah, I'm running Linux and using the avr-libc library and GNU gcc.
12:16 PM Kabriel: What are you looking for in the Atmel Studio then?
12:17 PM WormFood: I'm just trying to find the asf library for avr-gcc
12:24 PM Kabriel: There is a git repository at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Studio\7.0\Extensions\atmel\as-asf-vsix\7.0.2036\Repository\Asf.git".
12:24 PM WormFood: for Windows :P
12:25 PM WormFood: yeah, I saw reference to git in the asf atmel studio package I busted apart, but I couldn't figure out where it lived.
12:26 PM Kabriel: If you git clone that directory, it has a bunch of header files and some c source files. I don't think it is Windows specific.
12:26 PM Kabriel: Well, maybe some of it is.
12:26 PM WormFood: and I don't actually want to use their library. I just want to see how they handle, and do specific things. And, I might use it, if it's good enough. It's not important enough to me to go slumming with Winblows.
12:27 PM WormFood: yeah, I figured if I actually install it in atmel studio, then I can extract the directory that it lives in....but like I said, it isn't important enough to do windows.
12:28 PM WormFood: yes, I actually hate dealing with windows that much. I touch Windows the least amount possible.
12:29 PM WormFood: anyways, I've already negated the desire to see their stuff for this project I'm working on, however I would eventually like to take a peek at it, and see exactly what they're doing. I can get older versions, but I was hoping to get something that was put out in the last year
12:30 PM WormFood: now I'm trying to figure out how to get my avr to send a 128k with xmodem, and asf won't help with that ;)
12:34 PM Kabriel: I'm not a huge fan a frameworks. It looks interesting, but also a bit bloated. I have a VM with Windows with Atmel installed, but I'm sure there is a way to extract that git repo from the file. Could use Wine if nothing else.
12:38 PM WormFood: Kabriel, I'm with you, on not being a fan of frameworks...at least, for the AVR. I agree with you 100%. By their nature, they have to be bloated.
12:39 PM WormFood: and bloat, is the opposite of what I want. Even tho I have the space, and cycles to use it, it just feels...wrong...for lack of a better word.
12:41 PM WormFood: When first got my arduino board, the first thing I did, was load up some stuff in their framework, to play around with, but when I want to do something serious, I break out vim, and program like a real man ;) hahaha
12:41 PM WormFood: That's a joke, because real men program in 1s and 0s
12:56 PM Kabriel: Ha!
01:37 PM WormFood: do do if(isprint(PINL)) putchar(PINL); while(++PORTA != 0); while(++PORTC != 0); <-- is this code clear?
01:58 PM qu1j0t3: WormFood: not entirely.
01:58 PM qu1j0t3: WormFood: arithmetically incrementing the ports? trying to visualise why you'd be doing this. anyway, i'd be adding comments probably
03:41 PM WormFood: qu1j0t3, I need to run through every value on both ports, so yeah, why not do the math directly on the ports? It's just a memory address. It's not like 1/2 Rx, and 1/2 Tx, it's all Tx, so manipulating the port like that works just fine, much to my surprise.
03:41 PM qu1j0t3: why do you need to do that
03:42 PM qu1j0t3: yes, you _can_ but it's an unusual pattern to see
03:42 PM WormFood: You're right. And in most cases, I don't think doing it this way is the right way, but for my case, I feel this is a good way to do it
03:42 PM qu1j0t3: what do you have on the other end of it? is it an address?
03:42 PM qu1j0t3: probably is WormFood
03:42 PM qu1j0t3: just curious more than anything
03:43 PM WormFood: that one line of code, reads 64K of eprom, and sends it over the serial port
03:43 PM qu1j0t3: ah.
03:43 PM qu1j0t3: then yeah, perfect
03:43 PM WormFood: I thought it was very clever, to make 2 loops, without an additional variable.
03:43 PM qu1j0t3: :)
03:45 PM WormFood: I was removing the braces, we so commonly see with do while loops, and the end result, I thought, with the "do do" was kinda funny looking, and rather obtuse
03:46 PM qu1j0t3: heh
03:46 PM qu1j0t3: yeah when i started out with C i would omit far more space and punctuation than I do now.
03:46 PM qu1j0t3: clarity is everything
03:47 PM WormFood: Agreed
03:47 PM WormFood: usually
03:47 PM WormFood: I write some odd looking code sometimes.
03:47 PM qu1j0t3: i also write a lot of comments.
03:48 PM WormFood: I had started off using a variable for PINL, then it hit me, that I don't need to do that. I can just manipulate PINL directly.
03:48 PM WormFood: I also tend to write a lot of comments. In fact, I think I write more comments than code when I program asm
03:48 PM qu1j0t3: awesome
03:48 PM WormFood: but what is worse than no comments, is wrong comments. How many times you make a change to code, and forget to update the comments?
03:48 PM qu1j0t3: yeah asm is a different commenting world, it's traditional to comment 99% of it :)
03:49 PM qu1j0t3: WormFood: yeah that doesn't wash with me ... if i can't trust you to update comments how cna i trust you with the code ;-)
03:49 PM WormFood: But I sometimes have the bad habit of commenting the most obvious thing
03:50 PM WormFood: But other times, I'll go through a piece of code I haven't touched in years, and without the comments it'd be nearly impossible to understand, but with the comments, I can quickly understand what I was doing at that time.
03:50 PM qu1j0t3: yes
03:50 PM qu1j0t3: that's the dream!
03:50 PM qu1j0t3: we all have to go back
03:51 PM WormFood: so, now with my eprom reader, I'm adding xmodem support, so I can send the file to the computer, and it should be able to catch any errors.
05:00 PM specing_ is now known as specing
10:36 PM rue_bed2: how do you know the memory size?