#avr Logs

Feb 27 2022

#avr Calendar

04:42 AM specing_ is now known as specing
01:03 PM kdehl: Greetings!
01:05 PM qu1j0t3: kdehl: o/
01:05 PM kdehl: I'm having problems using an external oscillator with the ATtiny10. It works well with the internal 8 MHz crystal or even the 100 kHz one, but when I set CLKMSR to 0x02, the controller just seems to stop.
01:06 PM kdehl: https://pastebin.com/1SR0kpRE
01:06 PM kdehl: Here's my code. Is there anything else I need to do in order to get it to work?
01:07 PM kdehl: I did set the PB2 (pin 4) to input, in case that is relevant. But it's still not working.
01:09 PM kdehl: https://nygatan.dose.se/~madman/files/ATtiny_TPI_Programming_Test.png
01:09 PM kdehl: That's the circuit.
01:22 PM kdehl: This is physical board: https://nygatan.dose.se/~madman/files/ATtiny10_Programming_test_board.jpg
01:22 PM kdehl: This is the oscillator I use: https://datasheet.lcsc.com/lcsc/1912111437_Shenzhen-SCTF-Elec-S3D12-000000A20F30T_C387349.pdf
01:22 PM kdehl: As far as I understand it's an actual oscillator, not just a crystal, and it can handle 5 V. Which is pretty much all I need.
01:22 PM kdehl: I desoldered the oscillator from one of the boards (I have five; thanks JLC!) to make sure it was soldered in the right orientation.
04:08 PM qu1j0t3: uv eproms. probably someone in here :) https://twitter.com/elektronaut1/status/1498045224727183360
04:19 PM kdehl: Okay, I figured it out. I'm the Retard Number One.
04:20 PM kdehl: External clock is connected to PB1. I have connected it to PB2.
04:20 PM kdehl: Yay.
04:20 PM kdehl: Thanks guys! :)
04:24 PM qu1j0t3: congrats
04:32 PM kdehl: :)
04:42 PM specing_ is now known as specing
08:00 PM WormFood: Nice to see someone implemented my idea.
08:03 PM WormFood: I wonder how much the EPROM erasure pattern would change, by moving the UV light source around. Could it actually erase faster, by moving the light in a particular pattern around the EEPROM's window?