#avr Logs

Feb 24 2022

#avr Calendar

04:33 AM specing_ is now known as specing
07:36 AM twnqx: exp, since you know kicad.... how do i make it highlight all of a pcb track?
07:36 AM twnqx: (by name)
08:43 AM exp: twnqx: by name i expect you'd want to use the python console
08:43 AM exp: the default highlight key is ` i think or ctrl+click
08:45 AM exp: ah, inspect -> net inspector
08:45 AM twnqx: i was using ctrl+f :P
08:46 AM exp: really that should probably find nets and not just components
08:46 AM exp: there's definitely lots of bits that could do with joining up
08:46 AM exp: anyway you can filter your nets there, it's a shame the python interface doesn't tab complete and isn't an attached window
08:47 AM twnqx: yeah i it didn't fit
08:48 AM twnqx: with ctrl+f, but then click a segment, u, next
08:48 AM twnqx: but as it continued on another layer i had to click again
08:48 AM twnqx: et
08:48 AM twnqx: c
08:49 AM exp: just keep hitting u
08:49 AM exp: it continues to expand
08:49 AM exp: although that needs a bit more work too
08:49 AM exp: i would prefer it considered vias a unique step
08:49 AM exp: i'm on a slightly older version because Debian™ but I might add that at some point
08:50 AM exp: sorry for slow reply, i'm working, well now i'm considering coffee
06:17 PM JanC is now known as Guest6602
06:17 PM JanC_ is now known as JanC
06:39 PM WormFood: Any of you guys ever try to erase an EPROM using an UV LED? I read that it is possible, and UV LEDs are really cheap...if they're the "wrong" wavelength. The "right" wavelength LEDs are quite a bit more expensive, but should erase quicker.
06:41 PM WormFood: I can't find a reasonably priced EPROM eraser, and I can't find mine. The cheap ones on Amazon get really horrible reviews, so I was thinking of making my own....with a twist. I'd hook up an AVR, to constantly read the memory, and report as soon as it's erased.
06:47 PM WormFood: And, with slightly more effort, I could make it program the EPROM, as soon as it's erased.
06:54 PM Phantom: that might be the wrong way
06:54 PM Phantom: it is not because it read erased that it all faded away
06:54 PM Phantom: you still need to expose for some more time
06:55 PM WormFood: So you're saying that if I stop the instant it reads a "1", that it might be "weak" (so to speak), and eventually lose it's charge?
06:57 PM Phantom: or randomly read 0
06:57 PM Phantom: you want white or black, you have grey... how will it trully read?
06:57 PM WormFood: I really don't expect it to be a problem
06:58 PM WormFood: However, I fully understand exactly what you're talking about.
06:59 PM WormFood: I've been programming EPROMs for over 30 years, and I've never heard of, or seen an EPROM that wasn't erased enough, that'd randomly screw up in the future (not saying it can't happen, as I've seen some bizarre problems with EPROMs)
07:01 PM WormFood: The wavelength, brightness, and length of exposure all play a factor in erasing an EPROM. If your scenario happens IRL, then I'd expect to see edge cases, with programmers that have lost their brightness, or their frequency of light has shifted, to be less effective, and I've never seen or heard of that in the real world.
07:01 PM Phantom: I've heard of that issue, but never played with it
07:01 PM WormFood: now, if that really does happen, then I'd like to learn more about it.
07:02 PM WormFood: I one time had a light sensitive EPROM. I had no cover over the window, and the computer worked fine, if the case was open, but as soon as I closed the case, or turned off the light in the room, it'd lock up the computer. No kidding. I put a flashlight on the EPROMs, and it worked fine. Crazy, eh?
07:04 PM WormFood: The computer was a 68000 based machine, and it was in it's minimum usable configuration, with just some static ram, serial port, and the EPROM, and enough glue logic to hold everything together. As soon as I added the Dynamic RAM circuit, the problem disappeared.
07:06 PM WormFood: The guy who wrote the firmware in the EPROMs, is a personal friend, and lived near me. When I showed him this problem, he couldn't believe his eyes, and he kept saying over and over "but it doesn't work that way", and I say "I *know* it doesn't work that way, but you *see it* with your *own eyes*"
07:08 PM Phantom: maybe that eprom had some sort of caching?
07:08 PM Phantom: as an accelerator
07:08 PM WormFood: nope
07:08 PM WormFood: it was just a normal 27256 EPROM