#avr Logs

Jan 29 2022

#avr Calendar

01:00 AM rue_mohr: ugh, upset stomach
01:09 AM rue_mohr: I wanted to be sleeping
01:09 AM rue_mohr: so, how did those -O optios work...
01:36 AM specing_ is now known as specing
01:47 AM \dev\ice: rue_bed: yep. tried to print - seems wraping up (foldback)
01:49 AM rue_bed: huh
03:53 AM josuah: \dev\ice: I do not think the ATmega328P has an MPU (memory protection unit)
03:55 AM josuah: which gives an opportunity for some control over memory access
03:57 AM \dev\ice: it does not. I was expecting some kind of trap/interrupt or crash
03:58 AM josuah: another board could be needed... what were you needing it for?
04:09 AM \dev\ice: I was played with SRAM PUF and accidentaly read outside SRAM range and it did worked so became curious
04:14 AM cehteh: there is a interrupt vector for illegal instructions and you can use the watchdog
04:15 AM cehteh: why 'crashing' isnt really defined, how should the µC know that its doing something you didnt want to do it?
05:23 AM exp: does the compiler even emit instructions for reading nonexistent memory? it already has to emit different instructions for different segments right?
05:23 AM exp: i haven't read the architecture manual tbqh
05:35 AM LeoNerd: The compiler doesn't know
05:37 AM josuah: I thought the compiler knew about some special memory region that requires different instructions to be reached
05:37 AM josuah: like I/O space
05:37 AM exp: LeoNerd: i know there's some magic done by the linker, but i thought there was some special stuff in gcc-avr
05:37 AM exp: yeah exactly josuah
05:38 AM LeoNerd: Oh true, I think the IO region is different. But I haven't seen any distinction between non-"IO", RAM, other bits
05:41 AM exp: yeah i just wondered what instructions were actually being emitted, if any at all
05:42 AM \dev\ice: If you use LD/ST - it's the same as SRAM or register file. iho. only if you use in/out - there are difference
01:34 PM specing_ is now known as specing
01:50 PM Smashcat: Anyone ever had the problem with Atmel Studio where opening the project results in a blank window and "(load failed)" in the project tree? After reloading the project, files appear but cannot program board? I can't find any way to fix it.