#avr Logs

Jan 27 2022

#avr Calendar

03:38 PM dontyouloveshort: hi
03:47 PM dontyouloveshort: is there a standard protocol for dimmable 230v led lamps or does each manufactor use its own?
03:52 PM joakimk: Anyone familiar with ESP8266 and PyFlasher etc? Trying to flash a build of NodeMCU using PyFlasher, which started off real good -- but has been sitting at "Uploading stub..." now for a good 15 minutes
03:53 PM joakimk: Is it likely that the process failed, or can it still be running? I mean, how long can I expect a (successful) flash of 444Kb to take (over 115200 baud)?
03:55 PM exp: dontyouloveshort: there's an open source 'tasmota' which is quite common, and a few old standards but it's a varied market as i understand it
03:55 PM exp: josuah: i'm not familiar, but 'a few seconds'
03:56 PM dontyouloveshort: exp, what about zigbee, looks like it can be used to control phillips hue lights
03:56 PM exp: dontyouloveshort: yeah zigbee is one of the options, some of them require a controller and some don't
03:57 PM joakimk: Maybe PyFlasher (which is a GUI over esptool) can get stuck... Maybe I should restart it and hope for the best? Retry?
03:58 PM exp: joakimk: afraid i don't have answers for you
04:34 PM joakimk: exp: I exited the software, and ran the esptool.py command "directly" in terminal, and that worked :)
04:35 PM joakimk: The PyFlasher tool logs the command it sets up and runs in the background, so I could just copy that. So I was able to flash the ESP8266 (with the NodeMCU firmware), but then I fail at the next step...
04:37 PM joakimk: which is to successfully boot the new firmware, and upload a lua file -- which NodeMCU is able to interpret and execute. All sweet & dandy in the tuts, but always extremely hard to actually do
04:38 PM joakimk: trying to use an IDE called ESPlorer, which should be able to connect to the NodeMCU loaded ESP8266, and upload a lua file to it. But the ESPlorer seems to be unable to connect/communicate with the ESP :(
04:38 PM joakimk: but yeah, maybe this is sort of off topic?