#avr Logs

Dec 07 2021

#avr Calendar

12:39 AM rue_mohr: whats that one now?
01:49 AM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/main.png
01:49 AM rue_mohr: ugh, wrong channel
04:29 AM polprog: There are no wrong channels, only wrong people :)
04:31 AM Thrashbarg: there are no stupid questions, only stupid people?
05:29 AM polprog: If i stood on the tracks and grabbed the cables, would i go forward like a train?
05:30 AM exp: of course, current flowing through a conductor ultimately produces a force (in the earth's magnetic field)
05:30 AM exp: you might go backwards if you get the orientation wrong, and also die and burst into flames but meh
05:30 AM exp: implementation details
07:09 PM specing_ is now known as specing