#avr Logs

Nov 10 2021

#avr Calendar

07:36 AM specing_ is now known as specing
08:53 AM baltazar: hi! what's the proper way to measure time?
08:53 AM qu1j0t3: baltazar: you're probably going to need to expand on 'measure time'
08:54 AM baltazar: I assumed, I didn't even come up with this second method, I read it somewhere a while back but I can't seem to find that page anymore
08:56 AM qu1j0t3: have you tried disabling interrupts while you copy the value?
08:56 AM baltazar: yes
08:57 AM qu1j0t3: well
08:57 AM qu1j0t3: can you avoid reading the timer value here.
08:57 AM baltazar: what do you mean
08:57 AM qu1j0t3: you access TCNT0
08:58 AM qu1j0t3: what do you use this value for?
08:58 AM qu1j0t3: a timeout?
08:58 AM baltazar: no, it needs to be as accurate as possible
08:58 AM baltazar: I'm reading the value inside ISR(INT0_vect)
09:14 AM baltazar: when does the TOV0 bit get cleared?
09:15 AM baltazar: after the ISR finished, or when it starts?
07:36 PM specing_ is now known as specing
10:39 PM jmiehe1 is now known as jmiehe