#avr Logs

Nov 04 2021

#avr Calendar

04:35 AM specing_ is now known as specing
01:11 PM josuah: Phantom: sorry, went AFK short after answering. I mean I had an error message telling me access was restricted while clicking on https://www.mouser.com/datasheet/2/268/doc2467-1315330.pdf
01:12 PM josuah: ah, I did try with curl
01:12 PM josuah: stoopid user-agent restriction!
01:17 PM exp: there are secret parts on mouser too
01:18 PM exp: i've been sent links that simply don't work from EU IP
01:18 PM exp: 'secret' being IATA presumably
01:23 PM josuah: some datasheets are worth being engraved on gold
01:23 PM josuah: how to be resistant to datasheet leaks: make the product so complex that nobody can understand it and leak the datasheet yourself
01:24 PM twnqx: on an... atmega128? restricted? lol
01:25 PM twnqx: i have not encountred restrictions yet, only NDAs
01:25 PM josuah: twnqx: only when using curl
01:25 PM twnqx: and sometimes... not heearing back from NDA requests
04:35 PM specing_ is now known as specing
10:14 PM specing_ is now known as specing