#avr Logs

Oct 12 2021

#avr Calendar

04:27 PM specing_ is now known as specing
04:38 PM c4017w__: attiny1616, UPDI chip erase: The manual states '7. Check the Chip Erase Key Failed (ERASE_FAILED) bit in the ASI System Status (UPDI.ASI_SYS_STATUS)
04:38 PM c4017w__: register to verify if the chip erase was successful', but ASI_SYS_STATUS does not contain an ERASE_FAILED bit. Is this a copy error from another part?
05:08 PM LeoNerd: Hah... possibly
06:22 PM c4017w__: ok. What about this: A lot of the time when I read ASI_SYS_STATUS is returns 0x82. Neither bit 7 nor bit 1 are specified in the manual...
06:25 PM c4017w__: Apparently bit 1 is BOOTDONE in a later rev, but I didn't ask it to boot
07:50 PM c4017w__: huh, it seems correlated with an 'access layer timeout error' in STATUSB. Now why would that happen...
10:10 PM jmiehe1 is now known as jmiehe
10:15 PM MrMobius_ is now known as MrMobius