#avr Logs

Oct 03 2021

#avr Calendar

04:02 AM specing_ is now known as specing
09:52 AM catphish_: mplab is simultaneously awesome and infuriating, it's helped me set up complex peripherals with a lovely GUI, but as far as I can tell, it's not able to set up a basic timer :(
09:53 AM catphish_: it also loves crashing :)
09:59 AM qu1j0t3: :|
10:15 AM catphish_: on the plus side, i do like the simple code it generates
10:28 AM catphish_: and intializing the timer turns out to be one line :)
10:36 AM catphish_: i'm used to stm32 where you need a degree to use any peripheral!
08:24 PM aighearach_ is now known as Aighearach
10:35 PM jmiehe1 is now known as jmiehe