#avr Logs

Sep 27 2021

#avr Calendar

07:52 AM Flecks is now known as Fleck
08:51 AM specing_ is now known as specing
02:37 PM exp: god my rigol i²c is so damn delicate
02:37 PM exp: i have sliiiightly over 1µs edges on my board, and the damn thing somehow decides to count each sclk as two it looks like
02:38 PM exp: haven't had time to integrate pulseview into my stack nicely yet, although i do have channels for it
02:38 PM * exp sighs
03:11 PM gp5st: I'm trying to figure out what a fair price would be for this class now. Here's the hardware I was thinking of supplying. (Retail prices, so...)(https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vIXA7hszVaQve05QyRFaXudSKJCFK15d9Yo0Sr4Ygyc/edit#gid=0) and I was planning 6hr with lunch in five 45min sessions (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QdVffzFo1Hnf8j_JDMJe245vaCM2Uw7xxuPcyTI-Bz4/edit). Any thoughts? Is the material cost too high to make
03:11 PM gp5st: it worthwhile to someone?
03:15 PM twnqx: difficult to say. i personalyy prefer to buy what i need when i need it, and mostly pay more in total then
03:15 PM twnqx: some things look a bit on the high side, though packing such kits is a lot of work
03:21 PM gp5st: I mean, I guess the other option is something like this https://www.amazon.com/ELEGOO-Project-Tutorial-Controller-Projects/dp/B01D8KOZF4/132-4642679-3599244 It's a clone, but it contains a good smattering of things
03:21 PM gp5st: I guess I was trying to go for better components than bottom-of-the-barrel, but.....idk