#avr Logs

Sep 07 2021

#avr Calendar

02:30 AM specing_ is now known as specing
02:31 PM specing_ is now known as specing
06:27 PM joebobjoe: hello
06:27 PM joebobjoe: any thoughts about the article https://keepdevelopingprojects.wordpress.com/2018/01/20/the-atmels-universal-serial-interface-usi-sucks-for-i2c/
06:27 PM joebobjoe: especially its claim under Automatic Clocking on Timer Interrupt
06:27 PM joebobjoe: that transmitting on i2c using usi hardware requires the user to cycle the clock on every bit sent?
06:28 PM joebobjoe: what the heck? is that true?
07:41 PM joebobjoe: nvm I see that to use i2c it's gonna eseentially be blocking
07:42 PM joebobjoe: but you can use it for programming and stuff exactly what I need it for