#avr Logs

Aug 12 2021

#avr Calendar

02:20 AM rue_mohr: yes
02:28 AM rue_mohr: and any good software will still work
02:30 AM Thrashbarg: rue_mohr: 'cept this isn't good software. It's been through many changes and most of it is completely different now
03:32 AM MetalSutton: Hey all.
03:33 AM MetalSutton: I have been having difficulty getting avrdude with linuxspi support working. and now i cannot get it to initilize
03:33 AM MetalSutton: I am getting rc=-2 error.
03:33 AM MetalSutton: Its hard to find what this means
04:59 AM exp: MetalSutton: avrdude can be run with -vvv for extra info
05:46 AM jmiehe1 is now known as jmiehe
06:11 AM MetalSutton: Ok well i have it working now.
06:11 AM MetalSutton: However there is another weird thing happening
06:12 AM MetalSutton: I have neopixel leds hooked up to a nano, which is getting programmed via SPI from a raspberry pi zero W GPIO header
06:12 AM MetalSutton: its using Linuxspi programmer
06:13 AM MetalSutton: So once avrdude is happen and it finishs. It just freezes.
06:13 AM MetalSutton: The light animation doesnt start. Its only until I do a sudo reboot on the pi that the avr can finally run
06:14 AM MetalSutton: its like the gpio is hanging onto the reset pib.
06:14 AM MetalSutton: pin
06:15 AM MetalSutton: Even tho the script as an enable/disable chip which pretty much acts like it completely disconnects the cable.
06:22 AM MetalSutton: oh.. i now see its getting stuck into a loop somehow
07:00 AM exp: sorry i couldn't be more help
05:51 PM specing_ is now known as specing
07:10 PM rue_mohr: sounds like its not releasing the reset line