#avr Logs

Jul 25 2021

#avr Calendar

10:14 AM specing_ is now known as specing
07:23 PM qu1j0t3: hm, i was worried i blew up a Tiny85. but maybe i just killed the bootloader? (micronucleus)
07:23 PM qu1j0t3: going to try and reload the bootloader with a Polulu ISP
07:24 PM qu1j0t3: symptom: Never detects device after Arduino IDE build/upload
07:24 PM qu1j0t3: (was previously working)
07:40 PM polprog: i dont think arduino ide can overwrite a bootloader
07:41 PM polprog: that easily at least
07:42 PM qu1j0t3: not going to use arduino ide, i'll use avrdude
07:42 PM qu1j0t3: basically the same process i'd have to use on a blank chip, i think?
07:42 PM polprog: Yeah
07:43 PM * qu1j0t3 balked at buying the 8soic test clip tho
07:43 PM qu1j0t3: i mean, i have stopped being able to program via micronucleus from arduino ide
10:15 PM specing_ is now known as specing