#avr Logs

Jun 30 2021

#avr Calendar

12:11 AM evidlo: OK, great. I'm using an attiny85 Arduino core for this class, and it looks like it already has an appropriate setting for -B in the config, so I don't have to do anything
12:54 AM evidlo: the micro doesn't like that 0.1uF cap I have on MOSI
12:55 AM evidlo: actually 1uF
12:56 AM Phantom: why a cap on mosi??????
12:57 AM Phantom: why are you stupid enought to put a fricking cap on high speed data????
12:57 AM evidlo: hardware debouncing on a button connected to that pin
12:57 AM Phantom: no wonder why you have issue
12:57 AM Phantom: cap kill high speed signal
12:57 AM Phantom: you are lucky that it even worked and that you didn't fried anything
02:51 AM specing_ is now known as specing
11:12 AM PhantomLaptop: Hi there, quick question on arduino uno.... pin 18/19, which is also A4/A5... I want to use the digital, so I pinMode(18, INPUT_PULLUP); I get no pullup... is that normal?
11:14 AM evidlo: you might also try 'pinMode(18, INPUT); digitalWrite(18, HIGH)' for the hell of it
11:19 AM PhantomLaptop: yeah was gonna try that
11:23 AM PhantomLaptop: ... the led is just too weak... stupid non-blue led! lol but there is still some bugs in my code somehow.
11:25 AM PhantomLaptop: .... wrong variable...
02:52 PM specing_ is now known as specing
05:11 PM Phantom: my stuff almost work, yay