#avr Logs

Jun 20 2021

#avr Calendar

03:17 AM specing_ is now known as specing
10:39 AM vmt: i thought the riscv retards who thought they'll spin chips in their garage would've ruled all of the mcu market by now
10:39 AM vmt: isas are super important people! open source hardware!1111!11one all we need are the replicators from star trek
10:40 AM vmt: just git clone your chips right off your terminal ezpz
10:40 AM vmt: i assume you need an optical drive or something so that it spits out your fresh hot chips off the disc tray
10:45 AM nonlinea_ is now known as zero-xray
03:17 PM specing_ is now known as specing
05:09 PM rue_shop2: anyone doing some cpld/fpga?
05:16 PM vmt: i'm involved in an fpga project, but i'm not actually doing any of the fpga shit