#avr Logs

Jun 18 2021

#avr Calendar

12:33 AM Thrashbarg is now known as Thrashbarg_
12:40 AM Thrashbarg_ is now known as Thrashbarg
03:17 AM specing_ is now known as specing
03:21 AM ME: vmt: not really, any wristclock-grade RTC chip is OK
03:21 AM ME: I was just curious and wanted to try to get the samples :)
05:24 AM vmt: yeah alright. if you're looking to making more than a few of whatever you're doing, i'd steer clear from maxim. shit's expensive
05:35 AM vmt: that chip seems to have a built-in mems osc, but mouser has tiny stock of an nxp rtc with a built-in crystal (!) osc, for less than half the price
05:40 AM ME: what's wrong with mems osc apart from that it is killed by helium? and the non-mems ds3231 has integrated crystal as well, but those chips tend to be bulky
05:43 AM vmt: as far as i know; mems draw more power and are noisier, and have worse temp stability
05:45 AM vmt: but don't quote me on that, i reserve the right to be absolutely wrong here, as i haven't really had mems oscs
05:46 AM ME: me neither, but I think that the tabletop clock I'm building is an ideal testing ground :)
05:52 AM vmt: sure, i it won't make any diff in a tabletop clock. but the 3231m is ridiculously expensive. digikey prices; >6€ in singles, 25-100 5.3€
05:55 AM ME: what? I've just bought the ds3231-mz for $3 in a local electronics store
06:05 AM vmt: that's a pretty good deal i suppose
06:06 AM vmt: mouser's even more expensive
06:07 AM ME: https://www.gme.cz/rtc-ds3231mz-trl
06:11 AM vmt: i'm wondering if these are legit maxims
07:19 AM ME: LeoNerd: you seem to be knowledgable about the new avrs - is the toolchain production ready? does avrdude (or similar programmer) have UPDI support? is gcc, libc, headers ready, etc.?
07:24 AM vmt: i would imagine the new avr lines are a safe bet to shoot yourself in the foot given the chip shortage
07:32 AM djph: ME: "which" new avr? the DA/DB/ect jobs?
07:35 AM ME: djph: well, attiny814 for example, but anything that uses UPDI
07:37 AM ME: vmt: this is following a quote from distributor(s) (they have some atmega328 but also avr32da, attiny3216, ...)
07:38 AM ME: but I know fuckall about the business side or distribution side
07:42 AM LeoNerd: avrdude doesn't talk UPDI, no
07:42 AM LeoNerd: Nbodoy has bothered to write it :(
07:43 AM LeoNerd: I use avr-updi, a tool I wrote
07:43 AM LeoNerd: There's also pyupdi and another one someone wrote in C
07:43 AM LeoNerd: gcc, libc, etc.. are all fine with it
07:47 AM ME: that sounds ok enough
07:48 AM LeoNerd: I was talking to the maker of the C one, he suggested a technique I can use in mine to get the writing speed faster
07:48 AM LeoNerd: Otherwise it's quite slow because of per-byte turnaround time on USB. USB is slooooow
07:50 AM twnqx: that's why you have µC on the other end usually doing the actual chip protocol, no?
07:52 AM LeoNerd: If you want to be fancy, sure. But in practice almosteveryone does UPDI with a simple USB-UART bridge
07:52 AM LeoNerd: That way anyone can talk UPDI with a dirt-cheap USB-UART adapter and a 4k7 resistor
07:54 AM rue_mohr: and thats the spirit of it, its not a microcontroller line that requires you to buy a proprietary programmer from a company that cant keep up with orders.
08:02 AM ME: LeoNerd: where would one find your "avr-updi"?
08:03 AM LeoNerd: https://metacpan.org/dist/Device-AVR-UPDI/view/bin/avr-updi
08:05 AM ME: thanks
08:52 AM twnqx: any dark grey market brokers you can recommend?
08:53 AM twnqx: i just got cancellatons on like every single critical component for by boards...
08:53 AM LeoNerd: I've already had drive-by "can I buy some chips" questions on Tindie
08:53 AM LeoNerd: People are trying to buy stock of chips they see I use on my boards
08:55 AM twnqx: i just learnt that emmc and dram is not confirmed yet, modem was postponed to january, voltage supervisor to september, secondary regulator to august 2022, primary regulator "unlikely"
08:55 AM LeoNerd: I've seen "Sept 2022" on some suppliers for a few things
08:55 AM twnqx: these are bloody orders from LAST NOVEMBER
08:56 AM LeoNerd: Wow
08:57 AM twnqx: i need a 4000 units production run in august (this august), and around 7000 next year, with at least 1000 in january
08:57 AM twnqx: i just got "here's 1 100k€ budget. so stockpile what you can." order from my CEO lol
08:58 AM twnqx: it's just "it's nice we have money, the world still doesn't have parts"
09:00 AM twnqx: i need a ticket to shenzhen...
09:10 AM vmt: twnqx: smells like iot nonsense
09:19 AM twnqx: single customer specialty stuff
09:19 AM twnqx: while i kinda agree on "nonsense", the margin is so high i can accept doing the nonsense
10:46 AM polprog: so when do we create scavenger patrols that search dumpsters to rip out dram, vregs, etc from devices?
10:46 AM polprog: Neighbour put out a satellite decoder but it was gone when i went to the bins again
10:47 AM polprog: :D
03:17 PM specing_ is now known as specing