#avr Logs

May 19 2021

#avr Calendar

07:17 AM kline: https://www.kline.sh/
08:41 AM rue_bed2: sound like Emil already registered #avr, interesting move
08:41 AM rue_bed2: so much hostilaty over the years, I suppose the attackers won
08:42 AM rue_bed2: its all dead anyhow isn't it
08:43 AM rue_bed2: it'll just flop and die again
09:11 AM rue_: this is where emil learns just how many nicks are bot forwarders
09:25 AM rue_ is now known as rue_mohr
10:13 AM mouseghost is now known as desperek
10:14 AM desperek is now known as mouseghost
10:39 AM mouseghost is now known as desperek
12:36 PM desperek is now known as mouseghost
03:41 PM SamantazFox_: Who was OP in here?
03:41 PM SamantazFox_ is now known as SamantazFox
03:47 PM * thement
04:55 PM vmt: rue_mohr: wait what?
04:56 PM vmt: ah, surely you mean #avrs
04:57 PM vmt: anyway i wouldn't much worry about #avrs. there's mostly little kids talking about their latest linux exploits, much alike ##electronics
04:57 PM vmt: not that i've been there in a while, but i got enough of it a long time ago
05:06 PM cehteh_: besides freenode just obsoltes itself
05:06 PM vmt: the acquisition? much ado over nothing, once again
05:07 PM vmt: software nerds have the biggest virtue-signalling kneejerks of all the people i know
05:26 PM vmt: ohh yeah alright so you meant avr on libera. k, need to l2read backlog
07:02 PM rue_mohr: am I op or tom
07:04 PM rue_mohr: I suppose we can see what happens
07:23 PM specing_ is now known as specing
07:34 PM cehteh_ is now known as terminator
08:30 PM terminator is now known as cehteh