#avr Logs

Apr 27 2021

#avr Calendar

02:28 AM vgtw_ is now known as vgtw
02:35 AM captain_morgan8 is now known as captain_morgan
07:10 PM emil is now known as Emil
07:16 PM specing_ is now known as specing
07:41 PM Evidlo: anyone know of a project to bitbang i2s on a 328p?
07:42 PM Evidlo: not looking for anything fancy. just a square wave
09:09 PM Rab: Evidlo, how about this? https://www.elektormagazine.com/magazine/elektor-167/59253
09:10 PM Rab: Oops, the code is in Bascom
09:13 PM Rab: This looks simple, I don't see anything in the source that's specific to the ATmega2560: https://github.com/UlrikHjort/I2S-Simple
09:52 PM Evidlo: Rab, looks like its meant for 16MHz? Can the Nano do that?
09:53 PM Evidlo: the external oscillator is 16MHz, but I cant find the right fuse setting for it: https://eleccelerator.com/fusecalc/fusecalc.php?chip=atmega328p
10:02 PM Rab: Evidlo, this? Seems to be 16MHz: https://store.arduino.cc/usa/arduino-nano
10:05 PM Rab: If you no longer have the default fuse settings, maybe this will help: http://www.martyncurrey.com/arduino-atmega-328p-fuse-settings/
10:06 PM Rab: Note that there is not a "16MHz" fuse setting; you would choose 'Low Power Crystal Oscillator' (for the Nano) and the external crystal will define the clock speed.
10:10 PM Rab: Maybe this resource is more accurate for the Nano (2nd table). I haven't used Arduino hardware, myself. https://codingwithcody.com/2011/06/25/arduino-default-fuse-settings/
11:04 PM Evidlo: thanks, It seems like it works but my DAC is broken