#avr Logs

Apr 22 2021

#avr Calendar

02:57 AM Thymo_ is now known as Thymo
04:39 AM Miyu is now known as hackkitten
07:11 AM vgtw_ is now known as vgtw
07:16 AM specing_ is now known as specing
01:01 PM abcminiuser21484 is now known as abcminiuser2148
01:48 PM kl1n3 is now known as kline
04:14 PM vmt: --
04:45 PM dirty_d: am I missing something here? https://pastebin.com/rEu31iK8
04:46 PM dirty_d: the device is an attiny212, and I'm compiling with microchip studio, and flashing with updiprog (https://github.com/Polarisru/updiprog)
04:48 PM dirty_d: I have it connected to a logic analyzer on PA1, and its just high, not toggling
05:13 PM dirty_d: I guess the issue was updiprog because this works https://github.com/mraardvark/pyupdi
05:57 PM zgu: there's also avr-updi from Device-AVR-UPDI on CPAN (blame LeoNerd if that one doesn't work)
05:57 PM zgu: and you might have to fiddle with resistor values depending on what voltages you're running
07:16 PM specing_ is now known as specing